I'm making a big deal of this because of the political posturing against Israel, simply because they are Israel.
see people it's still a political problem.
thats why the IOC does not want to get involved.
btw i'm not posturing against isreal. i'm posturing whit the IOC.
if isreal wants that memorial so badly then they could do it by their own. same as the usa has a memorial for 9/11.
why should i participate in a memorial for 9/11? or a memorial for the death in haiti. what about a memorial for the death of the Moluccan revolt in the 70's 80's in my country?
this is just a handfull of bad things that happend. the olympic attack on isreal isn't more special. well maybe people do think it is more special because it involves isreal again.
partydevil, when you're dead and gone, do you want everyone to just forget about your life and any accomplishments you might have?
yes. when i die i will be something from the past.
Giving Israel a minute of silence for the dead athletes is not political. Taking it away from them simply because they're Israel is political.
why must it be done on a world wide scale?
let them have their memorial in their own country don't bug the rest whit it. kinda the same as the 9/11 memorial. keep it for yourself. what do we care about it?
it deserves to be memorialized in the Olympics
and why must it be memorised? what good will it do?
doesn't israel has a national tv station that could do this for them? why must we all be involved whit it?
Because millions of others weren't attacked and killed at the Olympic Games.
so you want a memorial at every event, at every game. at every place. for people who have died there somewhere in the past. then we will always be memorising people and never be able to live and have fun.
>.< when will you people learn to not pull words out of my mouth?
happens to me all the time.
Evidently the Arab countries.
make that the IOC. it's the event of the IOC. not a event by israel or any arab country.
I never asked you to worship them. And I never said that Israelis are worth more than other people.
you do ask millions maybe billions of people to take a min silence for them.
why don't you ask those millions/billions a min silence for the death of the Moluccan revolt?
why don't you ask a min silence at the soccer cups for a plane whit the national hungarian soccer team. that russia has shot down just a few year ago?
what makes those israeli more imported except that they are israeli?
So now you insult me for thinking that some Israeli athletes deserve a minute of silence? Wow, way to take your argument to a whole new low point.
forcing the entire world to memorise some dead dudes is lower in my opinion. sorry.
the only reason that they have "elevated status" is because they were actively competing at the moment.
they were attacked in their apartment during the night right?
not realy activly competing....
btw if thats the only reason then i find that no reason at all.
people are always busy whit something when they die.
that they are sporters doesn't make them more special.
I think I understand what zakyman means. This was a massacre at the olympic games. The families of the victims asked for them to be remembered, and because they were athletes killed at the olympics it makes sense that they would be remembered. But I understand compleatly why they think it would be a bad idea to bring that back up. I also kindof disagree that being athletes makes them anymore special than anyone else, but it makes sense to want them remembered. It does have a direct revelence. Unfortunatly it could spark up some conflict so it's better left alone.
the problem is that they want it to happen world wide. (putting themself on the world news spot again)
while they can do a minute of silence by themself. and no1 would even care to go against it.
way to long post.
enoufg for today i'll be off for the rest of the day.