Since the previous thread was locked due to lack of rules, here's a new one.
IMPORTANT: - You must post a number. It doesn't matter if it's at the beginning, middle, or end of your post, make sure you include a number. - Moderators can reset the count. We have to restart if they do. - Have a discussion while counting. Don't post just to post, that leads to spam and the mods can reset us because of that. - Refresh the page before posting to avoid messing up the count. - Have fun.
[quote]-Ninjas, except for "spammers" who are denied the ability to cause restarts (such as warriorcats123). What are "Ninjas?" I've seen this at least 33 or so times and whenever I asked no one replied...
well then i guess 34 is your lucky try, ninjaing is when you hard refresh the page and all that then post, and then the other posts show up that didn't before. so yeah that's basically what it is