You're on a very small planet, a dead star, which has a gravitational strength of Earth. Your arch-enemy is right behind you, but your separated by an iron wall. You have a pistol. How to kill your enemy without alerting him to your coming? Fire ahead at eye level. The bullet will stay level and hit your enemy in the head.
Oh um, you spelled Physics wrong. And I didn't know trolls used these. I thought they just liked messing with people. I didn't know it was a art form!
correct you are, i did misspell physics and troll logic and whatnot is stuff like what masterforger put (though i don't understand his example) here's another example working out makes you buff when your buff you want to look cool so you get a tan when you get a tan your skin turns into leather leather is made from cows cows are fat therefor working out fat
now i didn't get that one completely correct and it seems to be different every time i tell it but you get the general idea of troll logic and what the joke was
1) Draw a circle of diameter 1. 2) Draw a square around the circle. Its perimeter is 4. 3) Cut corners off the square without going inside the circle. The perimeter is still 4. 4) Cut more corners off the square. The perimeter is still 4. 5) Repeat to infinity, and the perimeter is always 4. 6) The square with all the corners cut off will eventually become a circle. Therefore, Pi = 4.
Error: The square will never become a circle because it will always have corners sticking out when zoomed in enough. Therefore, the proof is troll logic and incorrect. Therefore, Pi =/= 4.
@soccerdude2: Your error is in dividing both sides by (b-a). Since b = a, b-a = 0. Therefore, that step is invalid because it is division by 0. Also, the last step is dividing by a, not 2.
toast always lands butter side down, cats always land on their feet. so what happens when you tape toast butter side up on to the back of a cat. INFINITE ENERGY.
got this here, and there's plenty more where that came.