In Africa...many people are dying from wars and diseases. Hitler was trying to "cleanse" the world of evil...evil being anyone he didn't see fit to be a part of the "erfect race"
i know this...but the amount of white people was significantly larger, in africa how many white people are victims of genocide? almost zero
i know this...but the amount of white people was significantly larger, in africa how many white people are victims of genocide? almost zero
Even if we take out the race aspect...Hitler would still be extremely hated/infamous because he was trying to "cleanse" the world and targeted specific groups isn't just the numbers is the swiftness at which he killed them. The main point of argument people use when trying to claim the Holocaust never happened is that the number of deaths from it in the number of years is way too hi for someone to be able to do so...that should say something about how swift and efficient he was..
in africa how many white people are victims of genocide? almost zero
south-africa congo zimbabwe somalia
all had genocides of white people. for the reason that they are white.
in europe more white people have been victim of genocide because mainly white people live there. in africa there mainly lives black people. so, duuuhhh, in africa most victims of genocide are black.
hitler is often seen as worse because he personally started WW2. and WW2 is not only about europe. it's world war also in africa and asia. however hitler was a great leader for it's own people. so he wasn't a bad dictator for them at all. making him not the worse of all. pol pot just wanted to kill about everyone and had more vicious ways of doing so then gas chambers. and doing so in a faster rate then anyone els did.
Hosni Mubarak. 0/10 no genocides, disappointingly small frequency of people disappearing in the middle of the night into the custody of teh secret police, couldn't even put down a popular revolt
I feel as though there hasn't been a "worst" dictator as everyone gauges it differently. Hitler was bad, but he helped bring the German people together. They failed, yes, but he brought an ENTIRE nation together on the SAME PAGE! Julius Caesar was bad, but he brought glory and fame to Rome. I feel as though there hasn't been a worst dictator. It all comes down to how you look at things.
I'm fairly sure thisisnotanalt knew that the thread was asking who the "worst" (as in most heinous) dictator ever was. He intentionally took the literal meaning of worst though and referenced a dictator who was really not much of a dictator.
The Joke Your head
means that "the joke went over your head" which is an expression for when someone doesn't understand that something was a joke.
I think Hitler was on of the worse I also think that the leader of the Aztecs where bad to I forgot the Name of ruler of the Aztecs but I will remember it.
I guess it depends on how you look at it. Hitler did some inhumane things to the minorities, but he also rebuilt Germany from the Great Depression and got many people back to work. But some of those jobs went to rebuild the army which led to beginning of WWII.