there is this old and persistent problem in the top left profile with Xbox steam etc. when you put an apostrophe there then go onto your bio again then change you're bio in some way and update it, the apostrophes turn into this: '
Oh, well that's ironic. It looks like the random characters are converted back into apostrophes on the forums. I have an example under "AIM" on my profile if you want to see.
Oh, well that's ironic. It looks like the random characters are converted back into apostrophes on the forums. I have an example under "AIM" on my profile if you want to see.
Sooo... The ' you have under AIM is supposed to turn into an apostrophe? Is that what you're saying, or did I misunderstand?
Disregard that last post. Salvidian has & # 3 9 ; under his AIM, (minus the spaces between characters), and it creates an apostrophe in the forums. Pretty awesome, if you like taking the long way to make an apostrophe.