*double facepalm*
but this is the problme!
Call me stupid, but I cant find the problem...
I dont say Iran will conquer the world, but they will try to become a regional super power.
They are already a regional superpower. Who do you think can challenge them in matter of military in that region? unless USA starts a serious rebuilding in Afghanistan, Iran will be unchallenged in that part of the world. And a nuclear wont change anything, since they already is superior in that region.
so for you, maybe the fuel proces will rise
As already mention, the fuel/oil prize will rise when a war happens in that region.
for me, it will be more wepones to hizballha
Iran wont do anything that they already not doing. I dont see why anything will change because of a nuclear.
Iran sure became the No. 1# in the Energy buisness!
At least they will provide something to the world then, instead of being useless no one. Cant see the bad part in this statement.
they said at the start that it will be only for reaserch and energy, and now they say "we do, but its not fair that only Usa have nukes, we will destroy Israel and we dont want any Limitations on amoung of oranion or levels of it {therafor saying - we will make atom bombs materials}.
ok...whats your point?
oh, and about Syria, you talk like its a war between two warlords. we will help No. 1, they will help No. 2.
call it what you want. warlords, faction, clans, regimes, governments or anything else. That wont change anything, somebody have to support one of them...
Assad is a tyrant. they want democracy {untill the Islamists and fashist groups will take over the revolution. and then we will have a new enemy who wush to die in the process of killing me and my fellow Israelians.
What you want with Syria? You speak as if you know what everyone in the entire world think. And I find it funny how everything have to be about Israel. You think everyone in the world want Israel death... I can assure you, no one cares about you or Israel. They want to live the best way possible in their country, like you. So for the love of humanity, stop falsely accuse people, and judge them as murders and terrorists.
you make it sound like Iran just want more Refrigerators or they just want the world to be more "fair".
I dont care what it sounds like. I just put facts, and if that make Iran sound like that, then it must be more or less true... Just imagine your country in Irans place, and tell me I am wrong.
Iran is not just another western Country.
That was not obvious. Thanks for stating that.
they dont just want to live well.
Explain please, why dont they want to live well? First time heard a country dont want to live well to be honest.
they have ambitions
Who dont?
and no, Usa is not the only super power in the world
I am pretty sure it is, if it is not, then my definition of a superpower is totally different from yours.
but you need to be happy for that, and not a country like Iran is
I would rather have a Scandinavian country to be a superpower, if that what you meant by your statement.
because then you can say good bye for free Internet.
My Internet is not free even now...
I repeat myself, I do not support Iran or its government. I just dont want people to give a bad excuses. If somebody want to attack Iran, then tell the truth, and say you dont like the Iran and its government. Tell them you want to attack them, because you disagree with them, and the way they live. or even say you dont agree with their opinions. Dont give excuses like ''they are building a nuclear, and is a threat to world peace'' or another statement like ''they want to take away our freedom, and destroy the western countries''. These statements are completely wrong, and false accusations. If you want something to be done, then tell the real reason. Dont give false reason just to gain support.