ForumsThe TavernYour Parallel

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Have you ever had a dream and you dream about yourself? Did you ever think that "Man I was that!"? Well I have something to tell you that would shock you! I don't know if you know already but... when you dream about yourself... your not dreaming about yourself... you are dreaming about your parallel self! Yep, that's right. There are tons of universes out there, and in every universe there is a planet similar to Earth! That meaning, you are there but that is not YOU technically speaking. But not only do you have one, but you have MANY parallels! I'm not done yet! One reason why you would dream of your parallel is a way of keeping track of what they are doing. So say when you dream about yourself you are swimming at the beach and it is daylight outside. That's exactly what your parallel is doing. Sometimes you dream because something similar to what you have dreamed about is going to happen. Or there is a sign of some sort of message in the dream. It also could be that you are having a nightmare! This is something that I am really fascinated in. How did I figure this out? Research something like "travelling to parallel universes in dreams" I'm no scientist though. Tell me what you guys think!

  • 20 Replies
8,253 posts

Research something like "travelling to parallel universes in dreams" I'm no scientist though. Tell me what you guys think!

I think you're naive and embrace every fancy inanity lurking in the internet because it sounds cool.

Dreaming isn't completely explored yet, but one thing is clear. When you sleep, you assimilate the things that happened during the day, the things you learnt, all that is being processed in detail in your brain when you're asleep. Hence dreams.

Parallel universes aren't proven so far, there is no kind of link from your brain to somewhere else, and dreams don't have any kind of premonitory value. A deja-vu is a bug in your brain, new information that is falsely processed as 'old' instead of 'new'. I also used to think that I had dreamt about a lot of situations before they happened, but it's just an impression.
3,152 posts

There are tons of universes out there, and in every universe there is a planet similar to Earth!

There's no proof in that statement. In order for planets to support life, it has to be in the habitable zone around it's star, so it can maintain atmospheric pressure and liquid water. Out of the millions (or billions) of galaxies that we are able to observe, NASA has found only 1,235 possible planets, with only 54 of those for sure located in the habitable zone. So... We can assume that there is probably not more then 1,235 other planets out there that can (maybe) support life, rather then "tons".

But not only do you have one, but you have MANY parallels!

There is no scientific proof to back that statement up. Very little is known about dreams. In order for science to prove that you have parallels on other planets, they would have to discover planets that have life on them, which they have failed to do so far.

I'm not done yet!

Oh boy!

How did I figure this out? Research something like "travelling to parallel universes in dreams"

I knew it. Another victim caught up in the undertow of Google. -_-

BlueChel, do not believe everything you see on the internet. Most of these theories about dreams and stuff are made up by some random guy who took a year and a half course at College America in psychology and thinks he's an expert. In short, do not believe anything you see on the internet unless you know for a fact that the source is 100% reliable.
978 posts

That's crazy talk.

807 posts

Out of the millions (or billions) of galaxies that we are able to observe

we can barely observe our own

That's crazy talk

3,139 posts

I wouldn't mind having a parallel self.
I hope she's cooler, and doesn't mess everything up like me :P

787 posts

I wouldn't mind if there was parallel universes, but in all reality, I don't know. I also know very little about what you're talking about since I haven't dreamed in a long time.

Hate being left out. Stupid Brain. :/

33 posts

The type of thing you guys are talking about is called the multiverse theory and it is part of Quantum Physics. I learned that from a fantasy book series called 13th Reality.

639 posts

Deja vu occurs when your mind makes a memory faster than it processes what is happening. Glad I could clear that up for everyone.

Isn't the theory that there are a lot of parallel universes that branch off of the original, that are basically all different outcomes?

Basically. The theory is that there are an infinite number of other universes or dimensions. Each time someone has to make a choice, a new dimension pops up with options of what they could do. Thinking about what could happen actually makes a universe where it's happened, so technically I've done a lot of terrible things in other dimensions.

BUT! It's a load of garbage...that's the short version.
4,375 posts

I took a **** in a dream once. My parallel should really eat more fiber...

3,139 posts

Basically. The theory is that there are an infinite number of other universes or dimensions. Each time someone has to make a choice, a new dimension pops up with options of what they could do. Thinking about what could happen actually makes a universe where it's happened, so technically I've done a lot of terrible things in other dimensions.

If it were true, why would the other universes get the good outcomes while i'm landed with the life ruining ones?

I don't like this theory.
3,675 posts

It reminds me too much of a life after death scenario. Yet instead of "Don't worry, after you die everything will be perfect and great" it is "Don't worry, there is a version of you out there that is perfect and great."

So we are all essentially the evil twins from a parallel universe in this idea. So we should all have goatees? I have a beard. That contains a goatee I guess.
Sounds legit.

3,139 posts

So we are all essentially the evil twins from a parallel universe in this idea. So we should all have goatees? I have a beard. That contains a goatee I guess.
Sounds legit.

I don't think i could pull off a goatee. Not because i'm female, because i'm ginger.
3,675 posts

Well, my beard is red. Although I am blonde with blue eyes. Go figure.

Besides, vikings had some awesome red beards and shtuff. If they can pull it off why not anyone else?

4,375 posts

This theory would be a lot cooler if instead of a universe being created, it simply saved my game. After I lose my life, I get to go back to that save point, play out the other outcome, rinse and repeat.

3,766 posts

The theory is that there are an infinite number of other universes or dimensions. Each time someone has to make a choice, a new dimension pops up with options of what they could do.

Yep, but the majority of them connect back to each other quickly. It doesn't really change anything if you kill yourself now or a second after reading this.

Also if dreams are parallel me's then I get attacked in a lot of them. Except in one I am a boss.
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