i completely agree with devoidless all the way one this, it would end up like some of the custom emblems on for black ops, and it would get completely out of hand eventually i'm sure
No, because of age rating issues of trust, and copyright issues.
Matrix, you must not be familiar with the U.S. government. They have consistently been trying to pass legislation that will force websites to enforce copyright laws. Grant it they have failed many times, but one attempt will pass and will ruin the internet.
Grant it they have failed many times, but one attempt will pass and will ruin the internet.
And if it ever does, it won't get far because copyright laws are ridiculous if enforced on the internet.
Disallowing custom armatars has nothing to do with copyright laws. It's all just a matter of giving everyone with an account the power to upload any image they want and leaving it to the moderators to remove it if it violates site rules. Which is not only one more thing for the moderators to do, but also one more power that has to be granted to them by the admins.
So no custom armatars. However, if we get an active an involved community manager one of these days, it's possible that seasonal armatar contests may come back...