ForumsThe TavernEvil or Good?

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Do you think people are inherently bad and just do good, or are they good deep down and just do bad things. I'm not really talking in a religious sense, but more of a human nature sense.

  • 21 Replies
15,595 posts

We are born innocent then corrupted by the world.

358 posts

then corrupted by the world.

And rightly so. Hail to the corrupted baby!
150 posts

It is also affected by environment.

3,139 posts

I don't think people can be judged as a whole. I also don't think evil and good can be judged on one level.

Backstabbing your friend is bad, "evil" but it's not on the same page as sexual assault.
Giving some money to charity is good but it's not on the same page as Mother Teresa.

I think people are both good and evil. Some to lesser/larger degrees. I think society and culture plays a massive part in determining this, alongside mental health issues, of course.

3,817 posts

We are born innocent then corrupted by the world.

If that was the case, then how would the first corruption happen? What would happen to a child raised in seclusion?

Backstabbing your friend is bad, "evil" but it's not on the same page as sexual assault.

Depending on the degree of back stabbing, it could easily be worse. Especially if it is literal.

Giving some money to charity is good but it's not on the same page as Mother Teresa.

That would depend on how much money was donated, wouldn't it?
3,139 posts

I love how you try troll every little thing.

Depending on the degree of back stabbing, it could easily be worse. Especially if it is literal.

You sure? I'd prefer to be stabbed than *****. Once again it's depend on the person.

hat would depend on how much money was donated, wouldn't it?

Some implies a little, but even at that. What good is just throwing money at a cause without being actively involved in it?
5,340 posts

We are born innocent then corrupted by the world.

i have to disagree. i think we are actually born with really basic traits that are just there to help us survive. a baby usually cries when he wants something. i think we are born with desire, need, selfishness (which arent necesairly bad or good traits) and we learn both good and bad as we grow up. i dont think anyone is really born good or bad.

Backstabbing your friend is bad

i disagree with that too. you can betray someone because you disagree with him. you can betray someone because he does something horibble. if your friend would start planning some kind of murder or something im sure you would tell the police after youd try to talk him out of it
100 posts

Sometimes i ask myself why are people bad. i mean what do tou like in making something bad to semone.i usualy discover bad people when i am playing games online. people who destroy waht you done in days maybe week oe even months in some seconds.or cheating and killing you only to make you to be upset.i realley wonder what do they like in this.

-Alexandrica the archer-

3,371 posts

I think that good and bad are words that usually over simplify a problem too much. I think it will often be hard to consider someone a bad person if you got to see the exact reasons why they did what they did. We have to take into account how they were raised, what they've been taught, their motives, how much harm their bad deed really caused, and how they react when faced with the reality of what they've done. I think some people have good intention, and some really do hurt people just because they enjoy it. But if we can completely understand why people behave the way they do, I'm sure we can find ways to change it. Not that we should try to change "bad" behaviors in every case.

I don't think it really helps much to label someone good or bad. It doesn't seem like a fair judgment to me. I also don't find it fair that bad deeds may get so much negative stigma without a good understanding of what was done or why. I think that if bad or good is used less frequently and we instead understood what happened in situation more often, then we could better fix problems and give out more appropriate punishments. We all seem to be much more similar than we think. If we understood each other then maybe there would be less problems to begin with. I dunno, maybe I'm just over thinking this.

1,666 posts

we were good deep down then became evil by our thoughts and other influences. i im christian, so i believe that god wanted us perfect, but it just didnt work.

after all, if we were perfect, wouldnt life be boring and soooo proper?

8,253 posts

I totally agree with what dair5 said. We are always quick to judge; too quick. None of us is black or white, we're all gray, and have always been. And we will never know all factors that influence a certain decision or act.

Out of the same considerations, I reject the notion of absolute 'good' or 'evil'. If I say that someone is evil, it doesn't mean this person is evil. It means I perceive the person as evil, not more, not less.

we were good deep down then became evil by our thoughts and other influences. i im christian, so i believe that god wanted us perfect, but it just didnt work.

That... is not quite what christians generally believe in, am I wrong?
3,139 posts

we were good deep down then became evil by our thoughts and other influences. i im christian, so i believe that god wanted us perfect, but it just didnt work.

That... is not quite what christians generally believe in, am I wrong?

Christians believe in good and evil is basic terms as God Vs the Devil. The "Power of evil" is there to tempt us to do wrong (The Devil). God gave us free will, so it is up to us to make the choice to be "good". We will be judged on our actions by God. Etcetc.

We are born with sin, the "original sin", bearing the "evil" of Eve. Thus, we are not born good. We rid ourselves of our initial sin by receiving the Holy Spirit through baptism. It is then our choice to live life the way we are expected to in the eyes of the Lord or be tempted by the Devil.

That kind of thing.
15,595 posts

We are born innocent then corrupted by the world.

As in we're neutral at birth and our upbringings hold a large factor on what we become. It's not as clear cut as good and bad, we all have each, but some more than others.

I'd say once we're around 10 years old that innocence starts to fade. Just communicate with a child and see how they act towards a lot of things, you'll see it. It's an innocence that I think a lot of people wish they still had. It's before you realise how everything actually is.

Traumatic experiences and tragedies also hold a factor. An abusive family member, bullies, being around angry and sad people for most of the time, family death, etc. can bring a lot of stress. It depends on the person to figure out how to get through those situations. It opens your eyes to a whole new world and takes you to places you never thought you'd be.

Remember back to your childhood? Did you experience any of those things? Imagine how better it would've been if you were surrounded by happy and stable people and you didn't experience any trauma or tragedy.

That's the corruption.
8,253 posts

That kind of thing.

I supposed so. I just thought the 'he wanted us to be perfect but it failed' thingie doesn't go together with either free will or omnipotence.

Anyway, since we're on that; assuming we have free will, means we have the capacity to do 'evil' stuff on our own, without input of the devil. We were allegedly created that way, be it us modern humans or the legendary Eve. Now why does one 'evil' act by her become hereditary just because she did it? I would consider the original sin more as coming from god directly, who gave us the capacity to be evil; and that would mean we are not evil from birth, but only potentially so.
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