Yeah, its one of the rules of this site, this is an English site so posts must be in English. Speaking of rules, writing in a different language has broken the rules.
Yeah, its one of the rules of this site, this is an English site so posts must be in English. Speaking of rules, writing in a different language has broken the rules.
Doesn't mean we shouldn't help him. That's what forums are for. Surely we wouldn't help simply because he speaks a different language?
I speak enough Spanish to understand this, so I'll ask on his behalf.
"I am playing Kingdom Rush online. I want to save my progress, but every time I open Kingdom Rush my progress doesn't load. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you."
Doesn't seem like anything I can help with... but if anyone knows how, it'd be nice if he knew.
And by the way, the Armor Games rules are in English. Do you really expect him to understand those? Tell him in Spanish, for god's sake. What is this world coming to?!
[quote]And by the way, the Armor Games rules are in English. Do you really expect him to understand those? Tell him in Spanish, for god's sake. What is this world coming to?!
Lololololol, i speak spanish in all case, megafabri, dudo que kingdom rush se pueda guardar online, hay algunos juegos que se pueden guardar asi, y por lo tanto tal juego quedara guardado solo en tu computadora, asi que, para la próxima, debes decirlo en INGLES ya que aqui no se usa el español, y por el otro lado, tendras que conformarte. (Sorry all for writing my comment in spanish, but that guy is new)
[quote]estoy juegando a Kingdom Rush y quiero guardar el progreso de forma online y no carga queda tildado en loading... cualquier ayuda sirve gracias.
amm he said:
i am playing kingdom rush and y want to save it online to my account but it dont load...... your help can be good
And by the way, the Armor Games rules are in English. Do you really expect him to understand those? Tell him in Spanish, for god's sake. What is this world coming to?!
Oh. I didn't realize that. Its a good point. I'm sorry if I seemed a little rude.