Hey, have you tried using White Tigers? If you have them you use Popo and use rage to get your mana up then just spam tigers and rage until he's defeated. Really you should have an attack of 800+. If you don't have White Tigers then you should really get them because they are awesome. They're fast and powerful. Hope this helps.
sorry but that didn't help either how much hp,atk,and def do i need?
btw he keeps on spamming failed experiment creatures which have about 1000 healt and he aslo spams whiches that kill white tigers and/or worgriders real easy and he also keeps on using poisen cloud 2 which is impossible for my units to avoid
What are your current levels? And what is your overall level? I don't really focus on health, defense, or action. I just level energy to about 300 points then focus on attack. Right now I have about 900 attack.
Sorry for double posting but you could also use ninja assassins if you have them or any really fast unit. This is a costly way but you could get 350,000 gold and buy steel armored Popo. He is really good as he has Ice blaster 2 so you just go up to the boss and use it twice and he's dead.