USA is USA, you can't change that. Standing up was no problem with Reagan. Why should he change America to match the Middle East? America is a nation based on Enlightenment principles, free from religious restraint. I suppose you probably understand symbolism more than most people. Then you know what burning a flag means? Simple comes to simple, that means they don't like us. Trying to make friends with enemies in terms of global power usually doesn't mean you get the good side of the stick, or everyone does, or whatever that expression means. Also, I understand the difference between Radical Muslims and Muslims, as to why I mentioned Radical Islam instead of just Islam. That doesn't change what I said, other than how you may interpret it.
Let's also note what Reagan did since you're an advocate of the Reagan Victory School. Reagan stood up in his first term; he was remarkably dovish in his second, sharing a paradoxical streak of virulent anti-nuclearism much more akin to his Left opponents than the Right. He personally met up with Gorbachev at 4 summits which fostered better understanding in a remarkable convergence; hardly the sigh of someone who firmly stands up. The collapse of the Cold War caught everyone by surprise, particularly the hardliners who had believes the Soviet US struggle was a permanent feature of the world. As Zbigniew Brzezinski the former National Security Council advisor said in 1986 "The American Soviet Contest is not some temporary aberration but a historical rivalry that will long endure".Â
For everyone of Reagans rhetoric of the Evil Empire, he matched with his extreme anti nuclearism; seen in his views at the 1985 Geneva Conference that pushed for cooperation with the Soviets.
Egypt is a good friend of America. So is Saudi Arabia. So are the smaller gulf states. Yet they are all avowedly Islamic and radical at that, especially the puritanical Wahhabi monarchy. Saying that it's impossible to make friends with them is only to invite a permanent rift, and to ignore reality. It also entrenches the mindset that that the rest of the world has of the US; belligerent bullies.
An increase in minimum wage, even for the larger corporations, makes it harder to employ people because that money could go into the much needed investment of the business. Sure, it means more benefits for the employees. But would you rather have a low-paying job or a low chance at having a job at all? It actually kills business because employers can't hire anybody to expand upon their businesses. Obama may have supported the SBA, but that may also support the claim that Obama is just trying to look good. Anything I look at says a raise in minimum wage.
Obama's blatant deep measures to support small businesses is just to look good? That's so silly I giggled. It's concrete proof that he supports small businesses; even if we're cynical enough to claim every action as a political ploy, the irrefutable bottom line is, he supported them.
As for the minimum wage rising, yes basic economics does state that it'll lead to a surplus of labour And hence unemployment. Yet we must consider why the government might choose to narrow the inequity gap over faster economic growth. Simply put, it's a more pressing problem.Â
Even at $10 an hour, the minimum wage would still be below 1968 levels when adjusted for inflation. Real wages hasn't kept up with inflation; nominal wages might have increased, but this is misleading. The  
urchasing power of the average American has decreased. The rich poor gap has increased too much to be ignored.
And in any case, whilst businesses have to pay more wages, they get massive tax cuts. Ultimately they all benefit.Â
And in any case, Two thirds of the American public -- including a majority of Republicans -- supported raising the minimum wage in a October 2010 poll by the Public Religion Research Institute.
It's curious the Republicans dislike it under Obama, yet Congress increased the wage in 2006 under Bush.Â
Yet another argument to refute the minimum wage claim is that Obama hasn't even enacted such a policy. He did promise it in 2008;Â It is now four years later, and there has been no increase to the minimum wage. There has been no congressional vote, much less a whisper from the White House on the minimum wage, apart from congressmen occasionally piping the idea.Â
President Obama understood the importance of this issue in 2008. The merits of raising the minimum wage havenât changed since then, but his political courage has. The inflation-adjusted value of the minimum wage has been in decline since the 1960s, losing over 30 percent of its value and leaving hard-working Americans struggling to get by from paycheck to paycheck. At the same time, the cost of living has continued to rise steadily, further eroding the value of a minimum wage. Had the minimum wage kept pace with inflation since 1968, today it would be at $10.57 per hour, instead of the current federal minimum wage of $7.25.
Studies show that the minimum wage could help jump-start the economy and increase consumer spending. A 2011 study by the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank found that for every dollar increase to the hourly pay of a minimum wage worker, the result is $2,800 in new consumer spending from that workerâs household over the year. And a 2009 study from the Economic Policy Institute estimated that simply by raising the minimum wage to $9.50 per hour, $60 billion in additional spending would be added to the economy over a two-year period.
What is shameful therefore is not that Obama has implemented a minimum wage; but that he didn't. The charges leveled against him should come from the disgruntled 2008 Obama supporters and not Republicans.
But the ironic thing is, you claim that most of what the Republicans stood for would make the country horrible but you also claim that Obama's policies, while they may seem horrible now with all this spending that built up, looks bad now, but down the road will save the country. Unless that was someone else. That might have been someone else; I get my liberals confused sometimes. My point is, the country will probably not last that long. This constant printing of money is causing inflation and will most likely crash the economy and force a reformation within the 'walls' (that aren't really being built, *cough*) of America itself. It's a little obvious that Obama is trying to be friends with everyone, but you can't be friends with everyone when it comes to policy and religion. Universalism has tried that, and it only shows that people hate it even more than legitimate religion. It often makes all sides go against you. I'm not saying that that will happen, but it is oversight.
The Centre for Automatic Research reports that the U.S. auto industry spared more than 1.14 million jobs last year alone, and prevented âadditional personal income lossesâ of nearly 97 billion". Obama's bailouts didnt spectacularly turn the economy around into a powerful engine for growth; no policy can in 4 years. He has not fulfilled his election promises that's for sure, but no President has. Yet he has gone down with the grit and grime and pulled the USA out of a far worst fate. Just ask Spain what's I like to have a 24% unemployment rate.
Also, printing money doesn't automatically lead to inflation. The inflation rate is at an incredibly low 1.14%; because America's economy isn't at full potential; it isn't approaching then vertical portion of the AD/AS diagram. It is absurd to claim that inflation and money printing will destroy the economy; inflation is the least of America's worries now. The Volcker Shock of the 1970s was an example of high inflation, this isn't.Â
The media is biased. Not all propaganda is bad, of course, but people should still form a reasonable conclusion on their own and not rely on the petty things that media so conveniently shoves into your face. As a general question, when was the last time you perhaps saw an article about how this person is stupid, found both sides' relating opinions, and judged it based on the facts that you see? Even apart from emotional attachment to whatever person or 'arty' or beliefs you have, but straight from the source to the deducing portions of your brain. This may be treated as a rhetorical question, but hopefully it does spark something to think about.
Just actually, when I was reviewing my lecture notes for the Reagan Victory school article. So do my sources for economic policies; I read newspaper articles that merely print facts and not opinion pieces. I then form my own opinions based on economics framework that I have been taught.Â