Hi there, I'm new here, but I realy can play games. But I have problem. I can't play for example Awesome tanks 2 or Portal flash game. Cause of lags and really slow fps. My mouse get insane and I can't do nothing... Could someone help me pls?
that's a problem with your computer, if you have a slow computer then certain games like raze 2 are going to have a low FPS no matter what the graphics are, you'll have to find a way to speed up your computer
Did you maybe try turning down the quality? Usually if you play a graphics heavy game with the quality on high, your FPS will drop. Try turning the quality down to medium or low.
to help speed up your computer i've heard that PCmatic actually helps, allot, my dad was ready to throw away his laptop until he tried it, that might help speed up your computer and therefore your FPS