ForumsThe TavernYour top 5 favorite persons on Armor Games and why.

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1,356 posts

So my previous topic got locked and Gantics post did not explain wjy is the topic locked. SO GANTIC! IF YOU READ THIS, TELL ME WHY DID THE THREAD GET LOCKED! And i actually think its because people were talking off topic. So i will try again, but this time. With rules. So anyway here you tell everyone your top 5 persons on armor games. People cannot be from any kinds of games or video games. Alive people who talk with you. They are the ones who you have to rate. If you will be saying that you like everyone on AG. Then ask yourself: What is my about for?" Then you realise that you cannot post such things like: "I like everyone on AG." If you do the thread will get locked and i will be very angry at you. So you post your favorite persons on Armor Games, tell us why do you like them and what is so great about each one. No off topic or anything like that. Just post your top 5 and why and do not spam and say you like everyone except for that and that. And i will not be repeating myself respect this thread. So here is my top 5:

1. R2D21999. He is very funny and helpful.
2. pickpocket. He is fun to talk with. Makes great conversations.
3. Minotaur55. He is online very much and gives very good tips for pretty much everything.
4. Jacen96. Me and this guy have been twins for about a week. He is great.
5. kegaumongo. She is nice and friendly. And its fun talking with her.

This is how you do it people. No spam.


  • 21 Replies
5,552 posts

So my previous topic got locked and Gantics post did not explain wjy is the topic locked.

It got locked because of...

1) Threads about specific users are a no-no (generally).
2) It led to lists of spam.
3) People got off topic and started insulting each other.
4) People got off topic and started to praise themselves.
5) People got off topic and started arguing about everything.

Anyways, I don't wish to go into detail but everyone on my friends list would fit the top 5 criteria for me. I'm not one of those who adds every person who leaves a comment on my profile or every profile I visit or who is a higher rank than I am. Why they each are there can be summed up to I respect their posts/comments/views and have had interesting conversations with each at one point or another.
1,373 posts


Lol good idea on getting his attention...

It got locked because of...

1) Threads about specific users are a no-no (generally).
2) It led to lists of spam.
3) People got off topic and started insulting each other.
4) People got off topic and started to praise themselves.
5) People got off topic and started arguing about everything.

Oh wow, that is ugh..... a pretty big list. But you came to this forum post just to put that? Really?

Anyways, here is a list of people a like here on AG:

1: darkwolf1. He is funny, very smart, and we have a TON in common!
2: kitty25. We have literally EVERYTHING in common. O.O It is freaky, in a awesome way.
3: Skeleton_Pilot. Yet another person I share many interests in, only he is older then me by 10 years! It is like he is from the future. O.O
4: Felicity. She is a sweet and very smart girl who is a lot of fun to talk to.
5: Clausse. He is a great guy and is a lot of fun to talk to, WOOT!
5,552 posts

Oh wow, that is ugh..... a pretty big list. But you came to this forum post just to put that? Really?

Obviously not, considering that 3/5 of my word count is in the paragraph following the list...

1. R2D21999. He is very funny and helpful.
2. pickpocket. He is fun to talk with. Makes great conversations.
3. Minotaur55. He is online very much and gives very good tips for pretty much everything.
4. Jacen96. Me and this guy have been twins for about a week. He is great.
5. kegaumongo. She is nice and friendly. And its fun talking with her.

1: darkwolf1. He is funny, very smart, and we have a TON in common!
2: kitty25. We have literally EVERYTHING in common. O.O It is freaky, in a awesome way.
3: Skeleton_Pilot. Yet another person I share many interests in, only he is older then me by 10 years! It is like he is from the future. O.O
4: Felicity. She is a sweet and very smart girl who is a lot of fun to talk to.
5: Clausse. He is a great guy and is a lot of fun to talk to, WOOT!

Lists like these are still basically spam though. They generate no discussion and just have people mindlessly posting for no real reason, not in response to one another. For all intents and purposes, this is a generic favorite thread, just one that forces people to go over 7 words.
1,373 posts

Lists like these are still basically spam though. They generate no discussion and just have people mindlessly posting for no real reason, not in response to one another. For all intents and purposes, this is a generic favorite thread, just one that forces people to go over 7 words.

As much as I hate admit this, you are right. This doesn't form any type of discussion and it is a generic favorite thread. But by it being spam, I disagree. I don't think that it would be considered "spam". Think about it, you are posting something relevant to what the forum creator is saying and you are saying why you like this person. But if it is considered "spam" by the site rules then I have little to no power to argue I guess..
3,152 posts

Fascinating. Four posts in and this thread has already started drifting off topic.

2,739 posts


are you trying to start a beef with gantic? haha.

1.santi_-for the simple face of being with Killersup through alot of his AG career.
2.bladerunner- he not only can hold a good conversation with Killersup,but he can also be some good compition.
3.pickpocket-the mod of the AG Championchip and a good friend.
4.thaboss-he was the one who introduced Killersup to the third person
5.jeff1999-He is a pretty good guy,but things get funny when he gets pissed.

Also has anybody noticed that its the "veterans" that cause a forum to be locked because of off-topicness.The ones who are supposed to be setting examples for the newer people.
5,952 posts

Also has anybody noticed that its the "veterans" that cause a forum to be locked because of off-topicness.The ones who are supposed to be setting examples for the newer people.

2. pickpocket. He is fun to talk with. Makes great conversations.

3.pickpocket-the mod of the AG Championchip and a good friend.
I-i dont know really. I have gone through a lot of friend here, many leave. This is it I guess, in no particular order.
4,375 posts

Well, it didn't take long for this thread to devolve into non-answers.

Was plenty of reason, right off the old thread.

But Christ, top 5?

Alright here it goes (in no order)

1. Nemo, no explanation will be given here I'm afraid.

2. Nichodemus, great guy to talk to, very intelligent, just go find him his profile or look for him the forums. You can't not like him.

3. Strop, I shall leave this at Naked hugs.

4. Cenere, haven't talked to Cen in a while, but he's been a good friend to me.

5. All the people from CT

Also has anybody noticed that its the "veterans" that cause a forum to be locked because of off-topicness.The ones who are supposed to be setting examples for the newer people.

Please try and understand us old timers like to think we can control everyone.
767 posts

I am too lazy to try and think about my list all over again so I will just copy my old list (edited out the special and nicest parts:

1) FireTail - Obvious reasons
2) Ernie - For being active for a while now and helpful.
3) Daleks - For being nice and active.
4) GoM - For being extremely helpful
5) MrDayCee - For his epic threads
6) Cen - For being a vet
6) Dude - For being cool...okay I admit, I like his armatar?
7) Skater and Strop - I've always loved naked hugs...
8) Jefferysinspiration - For our bagel business!
9) Clan Leaders - Good and nice leaders.
10) Mystery Person (Do Not Look!) - Umm...yeah...don't

If you truly want to know who these people were go onto the first thread and I was the second post.

Lists like these are still basically spam though. They generate no discussion and just have people mindlessly posting for no real reason, not in response to one another. For all intents and purposes, this is a generic favorite thread, just one that forces people to go over 7 words.

Bravo! I would have never realized that until I had posted this.
No spam.

No spam, eh?
I give this thread a weak maximum. Or 3 more pages of posts until people just start replying to other people's comments about their choices and not even provide their own list. Or even this thread would soon fall to past the 2 page.
9,808 posts

Also has anybody noticed that its the "veterans" that cause a forum to be locked because of off-topicness.The ones who are supposed to be setting examples for the newer people.

Actually it was basically my fault for the previous "top 5 favorite AG people" getting locked haha

My 5 (no particular order)

1) Jeff1999 - Been enjoying the conversations we have been having...even though he has been calling me a name that is more or less a sneeze sound -_-

2) GhostOfMatrix - Fellow Dynasty Warriors lover and makes intelligent/quality posts

3) AceofSky - Same reason as before...see him in a lot of threads I go into...and makes good posts (tryin to not use "quality post" too much...gets pretty old haha)

4) MoonFairy - One of my first 2 friends on this site. Also is a very enjoyable person to talk to

5) W0lfMan14 - One of my first 2 friends on this site. Though he hasn't been on this site in like...forever (aww so sad)
708 posts

I think the thread got removed because of what we post. Not so sure about the rest.

Here are my favorite people.

1.Nichodemus - He is really active and posted about 4000 forum posts in a couple of months.

2.Minotaur55 - Although he is the only without a Merit in the top 10 (weird), he acumalated 23,000 AP in 6 months. Incredible! That is better than me! Glad I don't talk a lot though!

3.MrDayCee - A jolly guy! Loves to write comments in bulks which annoys my profile! XD Pretty funny man too!

4.Vinster132 - A great lover of sports and Black Ops! We actually like the same things! Also an active man here in AG.

5.Jeffreysinspiration - An awesome person and traveler! Who knew that she loves to go traveling! Also active in the AG community and one of the first million users of AG.


3,087 posts

1. Sauron23/Jeff1999, for being (sorta) friends and for Jeff having brawl music and Sauron playing brawl. (still hoping to play against him)

2. Daniel Mcneely, for creating this awesome site.

3. Nichodemus, he is educated and is one of the best posters in the WEPR

4. Cardibard, for his great forum game.

5. Gantic, for being the most active mod.

p.s. I don't know really anyone.

~~~Darth Caedus

15,595 posts

Everyone on my friends list. Oh.

Well, you probably won't recognise these users, but I talk to them often outside of AG (no order):

We have stuff in common and conversations last.

As for non-friends:
Ernie15 - Funny guy.
Jefferysinspiration - Not sure, don't really talk to her. I guess she's just genuinely likeable.
Vinster132 - Battlefield dawg, but he never revives me. (dhat)
Kasic - One of the only reasonable people on AG.
MageGrayWolf - Same as above.

They're also not annoying, so that's a plus.

343 posts

so i guess nobody likes me..........


2,917 posts

I had a bad case of the homework/cross country/ sleep deprivation/ masturbation is a priority disease. So my apologies to all desperately awaiting their fav contest on AG.

You dishonor ancestors award


covering the shame
brick by brick,again
the wall stands forward

No killing this time killer? But unfortunately, despite your good looks, the form for a haiku is 5-7-5. you have 5-5-5. Sowee plz dont ban meh great theme though.

Brick Layers award


The wall is rising,
For you keep adding layers.
When will it crumble?

Good haiku, it sounds like someone is causing all this trouble that is bound to fall apart. Nice vocab. Kinda relating to the theme, but not as much as I'd like.
It all comes down to this award


Crucial central cube:
Everything falls into place;
Or everything falls.

What a boss. You use grammar to the max, with the ;'s and the :'s. You place much importance on this brick, which is great. Uber vocab. Nicely done.
IQ >70 Award


We cursed the dark host,
A divine sanction to kill,
As the Ark passed by.

The old saying is you got to know your audience. You forget my intelligence is severely lower than yours nicho. I will give you credit for use of big words, but my brain can only figure that this is about an Ark, and there is no mention of "another" or "brick" or "in", nary is there any "wall".
Confucius Say Award


Great Wall of China
How your grace amazes us
With death under stone.

Sorry, I hate Chinese people, you're disqualified. Just kidding. I love the last line, showing how many people died for that wall. I would like more info about another brick in the wall, but i know that's hard with a haiku. Good job.
Please Don't Step On the Grass Award


A blade of grass fights,
Struggles for freedom and light;
Unnoticed by men

I can see what you're doing here. You aren't relating directly to A brick and a wall but the saying "Another brick in the wall", like no different from all the other. It's struggle goes unnoticed due to it's likeness to the other blades of grass. Nice word choice, and great interpretation. Great.
Username Does Not Equal Your Placing Award


I dont like haikus
but i will give it a try
one among many

Congrats on the 2/3 award. Your lines don't match at all. Thanks for playing.
Ghosts Award


You cannot kill us.
Through your iron oppression
Our spirit lives on.

Sorry, no queers allowed in my haiku contest. Your haiku kinda fits the theme, like unity is strength and blah blah blah. i guess you got OK word choice. I guess it is an OK haiku. OK.
Win by Default Award


Have you seen Pinky?
He is not doing too well
He misplaced his mind.

Omg a mod entered the contest I will give him 1st place. You relate the theme to the composers of the song, Pink Floyd. Good job, you look like a true fan. But it's not really really in the theme.... kinda. plz dont ban meh
Complainer Award


Behind these cold eyes
I run in the fires of hell
Looking for a crack

If you didn't complain about your fires syllables, I would have disqualified you. But since you bring up a worthy point, I must say you have an interesting take on the theme. Maybe some punctuation next time? But good word choice and good haiku.
I Ain't Like the Rest Baby Award


They all seem the same
But one stands out among them

I like it, you're saying not all the bricks in the wall are the same; they're diffrent. I also like the one word last line, that shows skill that you can wrap up your whole haiku that way. Good word choice. Awesome.

Winner= hahiha for his interesting take on the theme.

I have no witty picture to post. Goodbye.

Showing 1-15 of 21