ForumsThe TavernYour top 5 favorite persons on Armor Games and why.

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1,356 posts

So my previous topic got locked and Gantics post did not explain wjy is the topic locked. SO GANTIC! IF YOU READ THIS, TELL ME WHY DID THE THREAD GET LOCKED! And i actually think its because people were talking off topic. So i will try again, but this time. With rules. So anyway here you tell everyone your top 5 persons on armor games. People cannot be from any kinds of games or video games. Alive people who talk with you. They are the ones who you have to rate. If you will be saying that you like everyone on AG. Then ask yourself: What is my about for?" Then you realise that you cannot post such things like: "I like everyone on AG." If you do the thread will get locked and i will be very angry at you. So you post your favorite persons on Armor Games, tell us why do you like them and what is so great about each one. No off topic or anything like that. Just post your top 5 and why and do not spam and say you like everyone except for that and that. And i will not be repeating myself respect this thread. So here is my top 5:

1. R2D21999. He is very funny and helpful.
2. pickpocket. He is fun to talk with. Makes great conversations.
3. Minotaur55. He is online very much and gives very good tips for pretty much everything.
4. Jacen96. Me and this guy have been twins for about a week. He is great.
5. kegaumongo. She is nice and friendly. And its fun talking with her.

This is how you do it people. No spam.


  • 21 Replies
15,595 posts

I had a bad case of the homework/cross country/ sleep deprivation/ masturbation is a priority disease. So my apologies to all desperately awaiting their fav contest on AG.

Check the thread name.
2,739 posts

ummm dudeguy.......take the extra two seconds to ATLEAST get into the correct forum XD

1,356 posts

Yeah, i dont want this thread to get locked up again.


13,055 posts

1 - JoeyBetz for creating the CTC series, being accessible, friendly and respectful of other users.
2 - Cormyn because he said things the way they were and was very accessible.
3 - daleks because he's a good guy and he's pretty smart.
4 - MrDayCee because he's funny and always have smart replies.
5 - SSTG (Can I put myself?) because I have too much imagination!
Sorry if I forget someone, I'm kind of sleepy and way past my bed time.

5,875 posts

In no particular order:

Graham- For being awesome
knight_34-For being an easy guy to talk to
phacon-for being a phax
Firetail- Flash games and sonny forum...good times
Everybody else on CT

3,139 posts

Jefferysinspiration - Not sure, don't really talk to her. I guess she's just genuinely likeable

N'aww, what a babe.

This isn't in order and is more than five/ is my entire friends list, which has been cut to the people I consider proper "friends"

1. Devon: He's my male doppleganger, we have so much in common and i literally adore our long conversations and e-mails.
2. Google567: Only actually started re-talking again, we used to talk back in 2008, but he's a top lad with a lovely personality.
3. Ernie: If you could marry internet personalities, i'd date this man hard and marry the life out of him. A lot of fun to talk to, very interesting.
4. Maverick5: I am delighted he is back on AG as he is always full of interesting conversations and has such a likeable personality.
5. Frank: A fella who attempted to get me into minecraft, but failed. Soz Frank. Someone who i like to talk to off AG, and appreciate on AG for being an active mod.
6. Sonatavarius: Matty is the person i'm closest too both on and off AG. We used to skype on the daily but due to business i still appreciate our facebook chats. He's a top load.
7. Daleks: Someone i talk to off AG also. Always has time for me and we always have good conversations, really nice guy.

Non friends:

MrDayCee: A brilliant contributor to AG and very enjoyable to converse with.
GoM: Great movie and TV taste thus great conversations and very helpful around AG.
Mage: Always brilliant to have religious conversations with.

Probably more, sorry if i've forgotten you.
Showing 16-21 of 21