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Grand Duke

After being a veteran of so many examination campaigns, about 50 major term exams and a twice that number of minor class tests, I'm interested to know how much do most people study. How long? How dedicated?

I try and go for at least 5 weeks in advance before the test, so I'm in an almost perpetual study cycle of at least 5 hours daily during that period. Not counting minor things like homework of course. Of course I'm yellow as my DP, but yeah.

  • 9 Replies
14,745 posts

I think you might have addressed the very topic people tend to get away from when visiting this website nicho... LOL ...but it's a nice new topic I have to say! =D

Allright, well... I haven't been experiencing the study cycle for some years now as I have been working for about 15 years straight already, so it's a little out of my league here, but I won't give up! =)

I clearly remember having loads of problems with studying back then! I was easily distracted by anything and everything! I would need to have some form of rythem to keep switching back and forth between studying and a mild relaxation of some sort, i.e. listen to a pop song for 5 minutes... this would help me make it through a book, which was clearly something I dred still! (o.O)

I've always been more of the 'ractical/visual' way of learning things! With that I simply mean that either somone has to literally show me how it's done and I copy/re-inact it, or I can watch a video on how it's done and do it myself! That never fails!

I had to do a study 10 years ago for some insurance work I did back then and it was awful!! (o.O)
I hated to go to the study evenings in another town, simply because the topics were moldy, the teacher was monotone and the whole world of insurance was already starting to bugg me... so I completed it (I never give up and always persevere!) and then quit that working class alltogether to do something completely different that has practical learning as the best approach : I went to work in a restaurant! =)

5,340 posts

ill be completely honset. i dont.

i really cant study. i dont know how. not even for the most important tests. i never studied (Except for biology maybe once but i wouldnt call that studying either).

even now that im taking the psychometry (israels SAT test) i dont study. i really cant do it. unless i study in a class i cant get anything in my head.

i guess im also kind of afraid to get a bad grade EVEN THOUGH i studied because well... if i got a bad grade without studying i can at least claim i have some kind of potential.

my overall grades are ok but i really hope that if i do have to study ill have someone else to do it with. i just cant do it on my own

437 posts

I rarely studied in high school and got through just fine. Granted, my knowledge in most of the things I "learned" was and still is either superficial and hazy, but I always treated high school as a conduit to college anyway.

I have my first quiz in college coming up soon. Elementary genetics material with some aspects of protein synthesis. Nothing hard. Don't expect things to get hard until I take orgo later this year.

3,766 posts

It depends on the class and the type of test. For normal tests and quizzes, if I study, then it is usually a day or two before. However, for AP tests, which are pretty much college exams, I will study for a few months.

776 posts
Nah I study for tests and especially exams. I do the homework, and that's usually enough, but most times I'll go back over it a couple times.

256 posts

I have only studied for maybe 30 minutes in my short life(I'm 13)!

i really cant study. i dont know how. not even for the most important tests. i never studied

This is true for me too. My teachers always tell me to make flashcards, or study worksheets, but I don't understand how. Even though I don't study, I get good grades in every class except maybe math. I have gotten maybe 2 or 3 100%'s in the past 2 years. I'm taking honors geometry right now and last year in 7th grade, I took honors Algebra. Its just alot of stuff to remember. Otherwise, in other subjects, I can remember most stuff talked about in class.
1,666 posts

studying is honestly not what i do, because i really dont have to. i am judgment, if i get a C, the teacher gets a hole in their head the size of a china-lake chell. thats why i have never gottin a B- since last year, when the teacher realized to late the mistake of giving me one.


5,952 posts

Dude, im "studying" right now. `Nuff said.

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