Earlier today (about an hour ago), I came to the armor games site, and was logged in as somebody else... every time i typed in my user name and password i logged on to his account (don't remember the name but it was a UK e-mail and account info), finally opted to reset my password and logged into armor games, it worked fine EXCEPT that I went from near 6k armor points to 22... my tallies for rated games, forum posts, and comments are the same, I just have a mere 22 armor points.
This glitch/bug/problem is something alike a shortcircuit and actually already a known glitch to the AG-HQ team; boppins has explained it on GetSat to be the following:
We made a recent update that caused some profiles to be like yours for a day or so (but no data was lost or corrupted) -- things should be back to normal now. Your profile looks fine to me. If you are still having trouble seeing your profile or using the forums, I'd try deleting all your armorgames cookies.
It should reset itself to normal after a while. My shortcircuited profile resoted itself after 1,5 day and is working fine and as it should right now!
Yes, thanks for the input, Everything went to where it should have been after I played and rated another game.
That seems to be the easiest way to reset things... allthough there's a difference between the two versions of the glitch. The minor one can be reset with a post/comment/rating, but the bigger brother doesn't let your post, rate or comment, so you're cut off from the website and can reset it by yourself. Only thing you can do then is wait it out like I did the second time...
I was mainly concerned about the being routed to someone elses account, I though I had been hacked or something.
Exactly that was my first thought too! I thought the website had a major glitch/malfunction, then I thought AG had been hacked... and for a brief moment I even thought I was issued a bann by malfunction! (o.O)
Glad to say it resolved itself and I haven't had the problem occuring since! *knock on wood* =)