ForumsThe TavernHere's The Situation...

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To exercise my creative mind and to help increase activity in this part of the forums, I'm going to ask an open-ended question or give you guys an open-ended situation every day in the hopes that some of you will come up with answers! =)

Kudos to Ernie for this thread idea, and also for giving me the first question...

What would you do if you woke up one morning and it was 1901?

  • 518 Replies
13,349 posts

What could work is either have one person pick the most creative or most liked answer then have them post one "heres the situation" for 2 days (or more) then just keep repeating.

There's an idea. The problem I see with that, though, is that if you rely on one participant to come up with something, the thread could die in a matter of days if the user doesn't remember to post their scenario.

However, due to my lack of creativity and imagination, from now on I will allow anyone to post any scenario they come up with, provided it hasn't been posted before in this thread.

Who would like to come up with something for this round?
9,808 posts

Who would like to come up with something for this round?

I've this


You awake to find yourself on a new planet (where the environment is safe for you..think of it similar to Earth's) in the middle of what seems to be a reasonably populated city (the creatures are about 10feet tall on average..and seemingly weight, on average, about 250lbs). What do you do?
4,484 posts

As long as these creatures aren't hostile towards me, I think I could try to manage everyday life. It would depend of course on what these creatures eat and drink, because if they survive off cyanide, mercury, and lead pie, I'm toast.

1,607 posts


You awake to find yourself on a new planet (where the environment is safe for you..think of it similar to Earth's) in the middle of what seems to be a reasonably populated city (the creatures are about 10feet tall on average..and seemingly weight, on average, about 250lbs). What do you do?

I think the first thing I would do is show them some mathamatical equations. (I've been taught that math is universal and shows intelligence show they don't think I'm of lesser intelligence and eat me)
Then after a while of that I would explore a bit and see what this place is like, test out the food (the eat a little bit and wait an hour to see if you don't have a stomach ache rule). After that I would probably try to remember how I got to this place in general, realize I can't remember and realize this is all a dream..... (just watched Inception recently)

Taking out the part that I find out it is a dream I would do all those things and probably spend quite a while just trying to learn their language since there's no point in them learning english if I'm the only one around who's human.
But I would have quite a problem if they all communicated through telekinesis because I don't think I am able to do so as well so I would be pretty lost in this world.

Then there's always the non hostile but very curious creature scenario where Im just kept in a zoo or something.
630 posts

Are there female creatures on this planet? I can't think of a solution until I know the answer to this question.

9,808 posts

Of course there are female creatures..but their descriptions don't change

1,416 posts

You awake to find yourself on a new planet (where the environment is safe for you..think of it similar to Earth's) in the middle of what seems to be a reasonably populated city (the creatures are about 10feet tall on average..and seemingly weight, on average, about 250lbs). What do you do?

Well, pardner, I do the same thing I do every morn'. I holster my 6 gigawatt laser, pound back some synthetic beans and coffee, and grab my hat. Stepping down from my ship, I glare back at the foreign sun, basking in its exotic rays. Everyday brings a new sun, so is each day, a first day? Do I begin a new existence with each new star, and lose my old self as I flee before the setting sun? Perhaps a stable life would allow me to think, to realize the magnitude of the horror that is my existence. This surrounding town bustles with life. Huge, towering creatures who have only begun to comprehend my presence.

The builders of this town.Of all the hundreds- no, thousands- of towns I have visited these past years (but what's a year?). Oh god, do those at home even know they build towns? That they sing upon my arrival, that they have learned our language, that they plead for mercy? No. To the teeming trillions at home, they're just 200 pounds of meat. Freeze dried and stamped "Grade AA"- pure free range goodness. I pull a kerchief over my face.

I fire a 1 second burst into the sky, the surrounding air bursting into flame as the laser converts the atmosphere to plasma. The creatures stop singing. I point at my ship, a tremendous transport vessel already containing 50 million living beings. The creatures slowly board without struggle or stampede. Some beg, some cry, some scream obscenities into my mind. And some know who (or what) I really am. Some, well, some just call me a space cowboy.
3,087 posts

You awake to find yourself on a new planet (where the environment is safe for you..think of it similar to Earth's) in the middle of what seems to be a reasonably populated city (the creatures are about 10feet tall on average..and seemingly weight, on average, about 250lbs). What do you do?
10 ft tall weighing 250, are they also blue, have cat eyes, prehensile tail, and nerve endings in their ponytail?

In which case I would mine some unobtanium

~~~Darth Caedus
3,087 posts

New situation,

If you could insert yourself into any video game/movie/novel/graphic novel, which one would it be and why.

~~~Darth Caedus

9,808 posts

10 ft tall weighing 250, are they also blue, have cat eyes, prehensile tail, and nerve endings in their ponytail?

I hate Avatar

If you could insert yourself into any video game/movie/novel/graphic novel, which one would it be and why.

Excuse me sir..this is not my If You Could thread >_>

Anyways..Romance of the Three Kingdoms. For extremely obvious reasons
13,349 posts

Put me in Sim City 4 so I can create vast amounts of cities and live in my creations. Sounds much better than real life.

3,087 posts

Excuse me sir..this is not my If You Could thread >_>

fine, situation revised.

you have the power to insert yourself into any kind of media, how would you respond to this.

~~~Darth Caedus
4,484 posts

I would like to be a character on That 70's Show. I could basically do whatever I wanted without real consequences, I'd get to live in a simpler time, and people I couldn't even see would laugh every time I said something funny. Finally, some recognition.

4,170 posts

I'd put myself into any of Tool's music videos just to figure out what the hell was going on.

9,808 posts

Well..looks like I shall do the good old pang act of taking over a thread. When Ernie brought this back to life, it was supposed to be mostly just him and myself (with a little bit of Sal) posting situations..but now he left again D=<

Anyways. A situation

Here's the wake up to find that no one remembers you, spare for one person..who just so happens to despise you. (since this is a hypothetical situation, we shall assume that whatever he/she tells people, they will believe). This person makes a deal with can pick 5 things for him to tell people about yourself (3 must be true, however, while the other 2 can be made-up), but everything else he/she shall make-up as so desired.

What 5 things shall you tell he/she to tell everyone?

(yeah..making there be a tiny bit of thought)

Showing 391-405 of 518