The Party with Peter Sellers. I saw it on a Friday night after working double shift so I was tired and man I laugh so much that it hurt. I bet you can find scenes from it on YouTube. If you know the Birdy Num Num joke, then you saw it. xD xD xD
oh and if you watch Paul you will die from laughter! its so so so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!! here are funny scenes: Paul (2011 film) Funny Scene - YouTube
Paul The Movie Funny Scene - YouTube
Really funny car scene, with Paul Hogan. must see - YouTube
They don't show all the funny parts though. Right after the toilet paper scene, he runs out by the window because he jammed the toilet and he ends up on a roof, starts slipping and he tries so hard not to fall but he still fall in the pool, it's hilarious. xD
Weekend At Bernie's is one of my favorites, as is Napoleon Dynamite. Two completely different types of hilarious that kill me every time I watch them. I don't laugh much, so that's saying something.
The Other Guys has always been one of my favorite movies. The duo of Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg was surprisingly really funny. Who would've thought you'd ever see those two in the same movie co-starring with each other?
Monty Python's Holy Grail movie was pretty funny. I don't remember the whole title.
Tis' have a good sense in humor, although you should sharpen your memory by reading up on The Knights Who Say Ni or doing math about coconut-laden swallow. Australian Swallows, to clear up any confusion.
[/quote]Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries![quote]