2008 was Light Cut 2009 was HACKED AG STATUS SUCCESS 2010 was Click here to deactivate April Fools 2011 was Bieber Games
Forum pranks aren't the same as AG pranks because the forum pranks are orchestrated by the moderators, except the last one because cormyn got several admins involved.
Wow there r other hacked game than that HACKED AG STATUS SUCCESS ??? Can any1 send me the link of those hacked game from 2008-2011? (except the one in 2009 coz it is the topic of this thread XD)
@Bluydee: what happened that make a Mod leave? @xeano321: I dun joke man, coz there r many bugs in AG recently, and 1 of those bugs is when I posted in forum, then f5 the page, the post disappear so that i have to post again, then after a looong while i saw 3-4 similar post at once +_+ @ALL: if u still remember the links of thoses April Fool joke, plz send me the link, I really curious about them, tks in advance XD
and about the thing "AG is not run by animals", I think u should look at the Armatars of the Admin and Mod, U ll notice there r many guys use animal Armatar like Gantic, Boppins, John, Tony, Loussi, Carlie, Joeybetz, Krin, MRWalker82, NoNameC68, Zophia, etc. XD
Yeah. Hedgehogs would at least fix the glitches in the site.
I have no doubt that they would.
Can any1 send me the link of those hacked game from 2008-2011? (except the one in 2009 coz it is the topic of this thread XD
There are no other "hacked" games. It was an April fools joke.
I dun joke man, coz there r many bugs in AG recently, and 1 of those bugs is when I posted in forum, then f5 the page, the post disappear so that i have to post again, then after a looong while i saw 3-4 similar post at once +_+
AG = Glitch.com
The delay in the appearance of forum posts are not a result of hacking, but rather a result of an error in the programming.
and about the thing "AG is not run by animals", I think u should look at the Armatars of the Admin and Mod, U ll notice there r many guys use animal Armatar like Gantic, Boppins, John, Tony, Loussi, Carlie, Joeybetz, Krin, MRWalker82, NoNameC68, Zophia, etc. XD
but i still dun get it..... wat is so funny about that hacked game make some1 even rate it 10/10????? Can u guys tell me y do u like this Hacked game so much? And I saw an Admin- Boppins even put it to his fav games list- which includes very few games- less than 10 (so i guess he is quite picky to choose hisfav games lah, but how come that nonsense bcome his fav- must have some hidden meaning about that hacked game that i dunno yet)..... I m so curious to know the hidden meaning of that hacked flash that make u guys like it so much.....
The 'AG Hacked Status' game is the only visible one at the moment.
The thread where cormyn got voted for firing has been buried in the thread pile over time and the first one I can't remember as I wasn't a member of AG yet then... =P
As for the Bieber Games... they were allover the website! Due to the so-called "Bieber Fever" the website ArmorGames was renamed 'BieberGames' and it was thumbnails of JB and games renamed to 'Bieber-something'! Here's a link to a thread in the Tavern discussing it: Bieber Fever!