This thread is basically a car lover's post. Feel free to post pictures of cars, talk about cars, and maybe even learn about cars. If you don't know much about cars, and would like to know about them, just ask me. If this thread is critisized for copying somebody else's idea, i did not know that at the time. Sorry.
To start off, how about a picture of Pagani's latest supercar?age=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=192&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0,i:102" alt=",r:9,s:0,i:102" />
Im a car loving maniac!! I actually have a dream of pursuing a career in the Automobile Industry and have had a interest in cars all my life, basically. I know the ins and outs of a car and I have self taught myself this information. I am interested in Car Designing, mainly cause it fits my mind frame and attitude.
Cars that interest me? Any car really. These are cars that really catch my eye though..
The Bugatti is my kind of car. Top speed of 265 miles O_o.
Yup! I love that! You know how it goes that fast? Cause it is has a W16 engine. Meaning, it has 16 pistons in its engine and the W is the formation of the Engine. Basically two V8 engines put together. And with that, you get a whopping 1,001 HP. Ain't it Auto-gasmic?!
Another post about cars that none of you will be able to buy.
I can't tell if you are jinxing us or using logic..