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How much homework do you get. What are your thoughts on it. Does it help you or is it just work and you don't pay attention to it.

I'm in 8th grade and I don't get too much hw, except in geometry. The only subject I think hw is useful in is in geometry because it gives me a chance to practice what I've learned.

  • 8 Replies
1,373 posts

I get a lot of Homework, and half of it doesn't even help me with anything. I get stupid questions which not only are stupid (yes I know I said that twice, cause its double-stupid), but it doesn't help me gain the knowledge I need to become a Car Designer. Some of it does. Like Physics, Chemistry, and Science. The Automobile Engineering is something I learn on my own time.

I get around 20-25 papers of homework done. I get most of it done at school to avoid the Homework from taking over my life, translation: It would effect my activity on AG... but over all, Homework does aggravate me but if I avoid the stupid homework it effects my grades (cause you know, history is gonna be an important thing in your life forever). Either the schools are deciding to waste our time with homework, or they are running out of stuff to teach me. And I don't learn much at school, maybe 3 or 4 things at school but over all, what they are teaching me is not anything I didn't know about already. I hope my time in High School isn't this stupid.

3,139 posts

Does it help you or is it just work and you don't pay attention to it.

Past the days of getting it and onto the days of giving it ! #payback.

I get a lot of Homework, and half of it doesn't even help me with anything. I get stupid questions which not only are stupid (yes I know I said that twice, cause its double-stupid), but it doesn't help me gain the knowledge I need to become a Car Designer.

We're not selfish. We don't give you homework to make you suffer. Sadly, we have to make sure everything on the curriculum is covered and this includes practice of what is being taught - there's not enough time in a class to cover all this, so you get homework. Teachers actually hate giving homework - we have to mark it and it's a drag. Marking what's done in class is hard enough, marking what has to be done at home is twice as hard !

The Automobile Engineering is something I learn on my own time.

Since you're interested in a specific area, ask your teachers for some material or even an extra class designed specifically to target this - most should be happy enough to help.
1,269 posts

[/quote]"Past the days of getting it and onto the days of giving it ! #payback"

So your a teacher? Well I am sorry but I hate you then :/.


[quote]We're not selfish. We don't give you homework to make you suffer. Sadly, we have to make sure everything on the curriculum is covered and this includes practice of what is being taught - there's not enough time in a class to cover all this, so you get homework. Teachers actually hate giving homework - we have to mark it and it's a drag. Marking what's done in class is hard enough, marking what has to be done at home is twice as hard !"

Then why do we learn such stupid stuff in school then? About 70% is completely useless. I always hate homework, it does not teach my anything, most of the time I zoom through it, get a bad grade, and then do really good on a quiz or test to make up for it.

[/quote]I'm in 8th grade and I don't get too much hw, except in geometry.[quote]

Lucky, I'm in 7th grade and I get homework every single night .

Now if you excuse me, i have to go do some math homework (I hate math).
1,373 posts

Teachers actually hate giving homework - we have to mark it and it's a drag. Marking what's done in class is hard enough, marking what has to be done at home is twice as hard !

I did not know this, well then... I guess homework is bad all around. But giving homework makes sense, and that explains why when you progress in school you receive more homework. I never thought of it this way. Teachers make you think about stuff even when your not at school! Awesome!

Since you're interested in a specific area, ask your teachers for some material or even an extra class designed specifically to target this - most should be happy enough to help.

Thats just the issue, I have been studying Automobile Engineering for nearly 5 years now, it will hard for the teachers to find out where I am in that subject. And I am pretty far, I just need to finish up some of the basics. Besides I get my fix of Engineering in Physics, I LOVE me some Physics.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I hardly ever had any homework the last couple of years. There are very few assignments in university, and if there are assignments, they are usually optional. Plus, the professors don't care whether you do it or not. The best thing about university is that you are responsible for your own work.

Anyway, I'm not against homework. Homework has a purpose; homework can help keep the student focused on his/her studies, it's sort of like a road map of what you should know for school.

343 posts

Dont even get me started! my language arts teacher does overload everyday, but other than that im pretty good.

3,766 posts

It depends on the day to be honest. Some days I get home and have just a bit of homework to do. OK, that is most days, at least for this year. Though some days, usually weekends, I am spending most of the day doing my Physics C homework. Not fun, but a good class.

Honestly, if I was a teacher(you don't want that), I would "assign" homework like my Physics C teacher does. If you do it then I grade it. If you don't do it then you get the test grade for your homework grade too.

256 posts

Alot of the time, my teachers are nice and we get to do our hw in class.

[/quote]Teachers actually hate giving homework - we have to mark it and it's a drag. Marking what's done in class is hard enough, marking what has to be done at home is twice as hard ![quote]

I guess its worse for teachers, all we have to do is do it. The teachers have to check all of the hw for the entire class. I guess that takes up alot of time.

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