well I would have a shaolin spade, a compound bow and 10 arrows, a hatchet, a pellet gun with 500 pellets, a blowtorch, 3 aluminum baseball bats, lots of steak knives(for throwing), 10 gallons kerosene and a lighter or 2, a weed whacker, hedge clippers, electric hedge clippers, a saber from the marine corps, an electric drill, A crow bar, sledge hammer, 2 hammers, a pitch fork, 1 bear trap, I can make molotov cocktails, And of course my zombie research books, screw drivers, wrenches, and a saw so I think I am pretty much prepared.
lets see a 30.6 rifle, several .22's, 2 20 guage shotguns and 2 12's, a .243, a 30-30, couple bb guns, paintball gun, 2 50 caliber muzzle loaders and 2 54 caliber flintlock muzzleloaders, couple bats, lots of hunting knives, (the kind used to gutt deer) a large (like 1 foot+sum) knife, lots of seak knives,a lawn mower, weedwacker,and 2 10 gallon containors of gasoline. I'm stacked...
lets see: M4 Special Forces Grenade Launcher Combat Knife Sniper Rifle M61A1 20mm Chaingun M61 Vulcan M109A6 155mm Paladin Howitzer CH-47 Chinook Transport(for quick getaways) Bullet Belt M1A2 Abrams Tank B2 Spirit A Battalion all with XM-8 Rifles and enough food and ammo to last us forever
I would loot the nearest gun shop for a shotgun and apply home made improvements. I'd also go to the tool shed in the back yard and grab some nails, pop them on the baseball bat for a spiked bat. Improvise some fire bombs. I would also make myself a bow and arrows set. Finally, I can drop zombies in style while wearing a bandana.
Well, just looking around I see a banjo, 4' rain stick, several unfeasibly large textbooks, Burwhale the Avenger, and some potted plants. I know I've also got an arming sword, a lawn mower, a bunch of saws, and some bayonettes somewhere.
well, let's see: i have a baseball bat in my room, lots of knifes in the kitchen, and a metal paper towel holder in the bathroom inside my house. Outside my house, i have gardening tools (shovels, spades, rakes). That's pretty much it.