ForumsThe TavernRay Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

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3,766 posts

Hopefully some of you on this site have read the book.
If not read what Wikipedia says about it.

Do you think we are ending up like the World in Fahrenheit 451? Already we have giant TVs and shells(ear buds). People are always talking about minorities and what we need to do to protect them and how we should not offend them.

What are your thoughts?

  • 6 Replies
343 posts

well, i read it in 7th grade(last year), but i dont remember much about it. except how they burned books. We should keep all our books and not burn them. i love reading.

13,055 posts

I haven't read the book but I saw the movie. What I got from it is that society became totalitarian and knowledge is forbidden.
It's been a long time ago so I'm not sure If I remember it well.

3,766 posts

except how they burned books. We should keep all our books and not burn them. i love reading.

Well they are burning the books because of minorities being against them. At least that is what I remember from it.
What I got from it is that society became totalitarian and knowledge is forbidden.

Ya, but it is creepy how lots of the technology we have now was in that book. And how minorities are rising up.
213 posts

I read it last year in English, and I remember my teacher saying that Bradbury was spot on with today's technology. The only thing he didn't take into account was inflation. The wall TVs there cost very little compared to what they would cost today, but the paycheck was also less.

I think that people need to accept the fact that you can't make everyone happy. Minorities shouldn't be outvoted every time either. We need to find a balance that everyone can live with. Compromise?

I remember another story we read was about a futuristic society that showed what our future would be like if every man was truly born equal. This kind of ties in with F451 because the government dumbed everyone down to be more agreeable, and everyone had an equal voice(which was no voice at all.)

9,438 posts

Ahhh, such an exemplary critique of society. I was reminded of the book last year when I had to read Tuesdays With Morrie and came across this quote, which eerily reminded me of this one.

I remember another story we read was about a futuristic society that showed what our future would be like if every man was truly born equal.

I think I read that too. If it's the same one, it was about how equality was enforced by the State: the stronger people had to wear weights to hold them back and smart people had to wear a noisy earpiece to distract them from thinking.
437 posts

I read Fahrenheit 451 like five or six years ago. I don't think it was some creepily accurate prognostication; I'm sure plenty of people shared a similar view.

I think I read that too. If it's the same one, it was about how equality was enforced by the State: the stronger people had to wear weights to hold them back and smart people had to wear a noisy earpiece to distract them from thinking.

It's "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. It seems like any story set in an egalitarian society is invariably dystopian.
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