ForumsThe TavernPatterns

9 1957
343 posts

So like sometimes, I do some patterns. It's kinda weird, because I can not stop it. Examples: I count stairs. when I walk I do left foot, right foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, left foot, right foot, so that the pattern evens out. Sometimes when I itch my face. And sometimes, I raise my eyebrows in quick sucessionand I start to get a headache. When I lick my lips, and touch my teeth with my tongue. Does anybody else do this?

  • 9 Replies
13,344 posts

I count stairs. when I walk I do left foot, right foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, left foot, right foot, so that the pattern evens out.

I don't do exactly that, but I always skip one step when walking up stairs and steps (I consider stairs to be inside and steps to be outside, unless they're outside stairs that happen to be inside).

When I was a kid, I would have every staircase memorized as to whether or not I should step on the bottom step or the second step in order to reach the top step just by following my aforementioned step-skipping pattern.

Sometimes when I itch my face.

What's the pattern there?

When I lick my lips, and touch my teeth with my tongue.

I do those things without even noticing. It doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary to me. I also grind my teeth in a gentle but rhythmic fashion so that, at least from where I hear it, it sounds like a drum beat. Now that I don't think is normal.
256 posts

I do these things subconsciously sometimes. Like I'm outside walking and I don't realize it, but you know how in cities the sidewalks are made of rectangular blocks? I have to walk exactly like this, Ia alternate right left right left with my feet and make sure I don't touch the cracks at all.

213 posts

Lol I still know what stairs I need to step on in order to skip every other stair and land on the top stair without breaking my pattern.

When I am in the car I also have to draw a circle around each street light I pass with my eyes on whichever side of the street is closest to me. Even when I catch myself doing it, I have a really hard time stopping.

9,808 posts

This sounds like some OCD stuff..

For me...when I eat food I chew one part on one side of my mouth (by cheek), then another bite on the other side, another bite at front part of mouth, then the next bite I just let sit for a bit before chewing.

Then I eat normally with rest of meal

176 posts

It does sound like OCD....
When I move my tounge around in my mouth I do always do it in a "Z" and/or hourglass. doesn't matter were I start but the shape.

13,817 posts

I don't really have any regular patterns of OCD behaviour, except for when I get really tense and paranoid (repeating simple tasks over and over again.. checking locked doors over and over again.. checking that kids don't trespass your lawn over and over again..).

And if you're wondering, I don't often get THAT paranoid.

343 posts

What's the pattern there?

Left, right, right, and left.

I forgot that i twitch my nose.

3,371 posts

I skip steps because I feel like its easier. I also make imaginary lines on my finger tips. Diagonal lines, horizontal and vertical. I need to do it on all of my fingers evenly and then wipe away the imaginary energy I put on them. That's another thing, when my hands touch things they might feel different, but not really dirty or have anything noticeable on them. Sometimes even my own hands feel different after touching each other. When this happens I need to rub away that feeling from my hands. This energy feeling also applies to my legs when I shake them. If one feels tired I'll shake the other one until it's equally tired. Then sometimes I'll shake them at the same time in case I want to keep shaking but don't want it to be uneven. The whole energy thing was a lot more important to me as a kid. Now, not as much. But then again I might just be doing it subconsciously...

343 posts

I skip steps because I feel like its easier. I also make imaginary lines on my finger tips. Diagonal lines, horizontal and vertical. I need to do it on all of my fingers evenly and then wipe away the imaginary energy I put on them. That's another thing, when my hands touch things they might feel different, but not really dirty or have anything noticeable on them. Sometimes even my own hands feel different after touching each other. When this happens I need to rub away that feeling from my hands. This energy feeling also applies to my legs when I shake them. If one feels tired I'll shake the other one until it's equally tired. Then sometimes I'll shake them at the same time in case I want to keep shaking but don't want it to be uneven. The whole energy thing was a lot more important to me as a kid. Now, not as much. But then again I might just be doing it subconsciously...

Well thats a new look........

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