Could be the server acting up or you haven't logged into the ArmorGames website while trying to play the games... try making sure that you are logged into ArmorGames and try playing them first. =)
If this doesn't work, email Justin (AG admin) about this, as he is your best bet to help you solve any gaming problems!
I have the same issue, I have 2 separate armorgames accounts ( this one that cant login to LOH and LOTS, The other The_Foreman, who can log in just fine...) plase fix this ASAP, one is missing out on daily rewards.... QQ
Im missing a lot of farm on LoTS and I dont wanna miss out any rare raids or world raids when it comes out .... this is so frustrating. I think Armorgames messed up with the servers interlinking with AG accounts to MMO games... I cant play any MMO's at all.
I have dispatched an Email to said mr. Justin. However I would like to support the latest post by triple storm and add that as a Clan/League leader in LOH i REALLY need to get in there... Luckily my alliance in LoTS is a bit inactive, still its highly annoying
I tried going to LoaTS through AG and it indeed shows a server linking problem... Going to their own website and logging in via FaceBook still works though.
Emailing Justin is all you guys can do for now... sorry! =/
Thanks for the assistance MrDayCee, However as one of my AG accounts can log in and the other cant i feel its a AG end problem, also, FB is no help at all as i dont wanna sign up to that 1984'esque horror-machince ^^
I have the same issue I can not log in to any of the MMO games I play. The best information was from Swords and Potions that said "AuthenticationFailed: Either the user is not logged in or the authentication token has expired200:" I have logged out and rebooted the Mac and it stlll failed and have tried to log on using a PC that has failed as well.
I tried logging into Dawn of the Dragons with this account, and it worked. If I try to log in with my main account (Lordrereland) I just get a big white screen with nothing on it. I also noticed that my armatar (which was a knight) got replaced with the armorgames shield logo, which I also found odd. I think it's something to do with user accounts.
Same issue here; I feel better knowing I'm not the only one. Cleared cache, tried IE, Chrome, Opera, and Firefox, so it's something on the AG-MMO side.
I have the same problem. And I have another account that I never used, and that one worked just fine. It's not limited to one developer. It's at least edgebee games and dawn of the dragons.
Yeah, I have same problem. Noone of my accounts dont work in Phage Wars Live (but I can play as scientist as well). Finally, cuz I thought problem is with my accs, I made new one, and it didnt log in too.
I think you nailed the exact qoute suited for FaceBook Col_Sabotage... even though they look like a huge and shiny apple your feel the need to eat, it still has a rotten core inside.
I have the same issue I can not log in to any of the MMO games I play. The best information was from Swords and Potions that said "AuthenticationFailed: Either the user is not logged in or the authentication token has expired200:" I have logged out and rebooted the Mac and it stlll failed and have tried to log on using a PC that has failed as well.
Yours sounds like a problem with the login tokens needed Mack_Hone... just like you stated, they say they are expired and maybe need to be added/changed, if that is even possible... =/
Same issue here; I feel better knowing I'm not the only one. Cleared cache, tried IE, Chrome, Opera, and Firefox, so it's something on the AG-MMO side.
Seems like you went the whole 9 yards brukolakas! (O.o)
@ everyone : I will contact Justin myself and ask him to take a look at this thread and maybe post a solution here, as it seems that a lot of people are suddenly experiencing the problem...