The problem has been solved on my end... nothing i did however so can only hope its solved for everyone else too.
If this is the work of admins, I would like express my graitude for the fix of the problem, even though only a small amount fo people seemed to be affected.
save yourself the trouble of posting about it and getting banned, just delete your account now xP
Why would you enforce your username to some extend and actually encourage AG users to delete their account and with that delete membership of ArmorGames Col_Sabotage? That's just sad... *frowns* =/
@ everyone else : Wait for Justin to have a look at the problem, ok?
OK, maybe the right thread - I can't log into GemCraft Labyrinth - I'm logged in on the Armorgames-website but in the game itself I'm not. When I click on "Armor Games Enabled - Login Now", the small "Loading"-window won't disappear. On the other hand it's a good cure for my addiction :-))