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How do you act on the Internet? Do you act like you do in real life or do you make yourself a slightly different person?

Also, what bugs you about what people do on the Internet? Are there rules that you follow that you wish other people followed?

  • 20 Replies
3,766 posts

I know they have seen the answer

It should be 'seen the question'. I was getting ahead of myself. Dumb brain is faster then my hands.
514 posts

Yo, who ain't be acting like dey do in teh real life, yo? Hey now, lemme lay dis down ya, I be actin' like ah do in real li'e e'ryday. Gotteh problem with mah tawkin' foo'? Boi, ya betteh get oveh heyah right now, will ya? Eat mah fist in yo face.

LOL are you Jamaican? Anyways, my personality slightly varies between school, home, and the internet. I'm pretty much the same at school and the internet. At home, I'm a lot less... weird? I dunno. What annoys me most is people using all caps all the time, unless their caps lock is broken and stuck on caps lock. I also hate obnoxious people. i.e. trolls
1,373 posts

What I cannot stand is when I ask someone a question, I know they have seen the answer, and they don't respond at all. I find that so rude.

I find this rude as well, ignoring someone when they ask a question is very rude. Even if the question is personal, you should post something like "I don't want to say". Then that is understandable.

Common sense should be a principle on the Internet

It isn't a principle in real life, there for, it wont be on the Internet. Not only that, common sense is not common. It seems like the term "Common Sense" is suppose to be common, but actually it isn't. But it is something that should be used on the internet.
3,137 posts

I think i am pretty much the same person here as in real life. but i feel very boring over the internet because it seems harder to get my feeling across. I can't put stress on words like i would while speaking, this believe it or not can make a huge difference in how your words come across.

It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

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