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How do you act on the Internet? Do you act like you do in real life or do you make yourself a slightly different person?

Also, what bugs you about what people do on the Internet? Are there rules that you follow that you wish other people followed?

  • 20 Replies
1,373 posts

I act somewhat like myself. On here I am more calm and conservative on the Internet, which I am in real life but to a point. In real life I am more loud-spoken, sarcastic, and a freaking road runner (I have a lot of energy). Most of the time though I am clam and more into my thoughts though.

There is one rule I wish people would fallow, SPEAKING NORMALLY! I don't want people to derp me, or say random things like "asdf" or some other thing that would completely rattle my brain. If you don't say it in real life, don't say it here. I never met anyone that walked up to me and said "asdf". So talk on the internet as you would talk to someone in real life, thats how I see it. And the way I prefer it.

13,055 posts

I'm pretty much the same. I get mad when I talk politics online and in real life so I try really hard not to participate in those thread but sometimes I can't help it. I'm usually a relax and positive guy.

5,952 posts

Im louder, even more sarcastic, wittyer, and more entertaining on the interwebz. I dont know, mainly because of the whole "no one knows who I am" bit.
As for manners, type so I can read it. Thats it.

4,170 posts

Yo, who ain't be acting like dey do in teh real life, yo? Hey now, lemme lay dis down ya, I be actin' like ah do in real li'e e'ryday. Gotteh problem with mah tawkin' foo'? Boi, ya betteh get oveh heyah right now, will ya? Eat mah fist in yo face.

But seriously, I'm a pretty laid-back guy in real life, as I am for the most part here. I am pretty obsequious in real life too. I did a lot of stuff to help out with my school. All in all, not a big difference between Sal and Ron (epic real name use).

5,823 posts

i'm rather the same, a lot less shy, but i'm only shy until you get to know me, then i don't shut up. although generally speaking i'm smarter on AG than in real life since i have time to use google and think about things before i blurt them out. pretty much like what pickpocket said about himself

132 posts

I guess maybe that cussing in online stuff should be illegal.
it is always ANNOYING to see F words.

I played runescape and almost everyone cusses on there.

4,170 posts

I guess maybe that cussing in online stuff should be illegal.
it is always ANNOYING to see F words.
I played runescape and almost everyone cusses on there.

Considering there aren't laws banning swearing in public ("disturbing the peace" excluded) there won't be any online. There's just too much wrong with it and it would take hours to explain everything.
5,552 posts

How do you act on the Internet? Do you act like you do in real life or do you make yourself a slightly different person?

I act pretty similarly to how I act in real life. The only difference is it appears I'm more social than I am because there's no counter for the amount of posts I've written and then deleted, or threads I've just viewed and then moved on.

Also, what bugs you about what people do on the Internet? Are there rules that you follow that you wish other people followed?

Top two things that bother me...

1) Posting in short speak for simple words in a forum or just simple horrible spelling. There's no reason for that when it's easy to spell check.

2) Pointless messages which either restate what has already been said or add nothing.

I guess maybe that cussing in online stuff should be illegal.
it is always ANNOYING to see F words.

Why? Vulgar words are still just words. I don't see why everyone gets so worked up about them.

Annoying to see F words?


I played runescape and almost everyone cusses on there.

1) There's a filter on there. Get over it.
2) Get over it, people swear.
3,152 posts

I guess maybe that cussing in online stuff should be illegal.
it is always ANNOYING to see F words.

I played runescape and almost everyone cusses on there.

Tsk Tsk... Getting off topic.

I act the same as I do online. I'm polite, give advice, try to sound intelligent even though I'm not, and I'm constantly making stupid jokes.... That's about how I act online.
1,373 posts

I guess maybe that cussing in online stuff should be illegal.
it is always ANNOYING to see F words.

Cussing, as I like to call it "Cursing", is a form of expression that is generally miss used. For instance, if I injured myself then say "D*mnit, that hurt" or "F***ing s*** that hurt!" then it is ok, I guess. But just saying the F word or any other curse words for no reason is just stupidity, so stupidity should be illegal. But, and we all know this, how far would this law go?
787 posts

How do you act on the Internet? Do you act like you do in real life or do you make yourself a slightly different person?

In the Real World I'm much more-quick witted, a bit more tense, but also more fun to be around.

On the Internet I'm much more analytical and slower-thinking, I enjoy taking my time and learning all I can, something that can't always be done in real time.
13,344 posts

so stupidity should be illegal. But, and we all know this, how far would this law go?

Not far. If Congress decided to pass it, none of them would be able to show up for work the next day.

I'm a much different person online than I am in the real world. In real life, I don't say much and people don't tend to notice me. Not to toot my own horn, but my experiences here are about the opposite of what they are in real life.

Believe it or not, I'm even less interesting as a person than I am as a faceless internet powerhouse.
1,373 posts

On the Internet I'm much more analytical and slower-thinking, I enjoy taking my time and learning all I can, something that can't always be done in real time.

I like taking my time as well, on the internet and in real life. Not many know this about me here on Armor Games, but only a very few people have.

At times it seems as if I have 2 different faces. I am both happy, go lucky and loud; yet at times I am also conservative, intellectual like (all most to the point of anti-socialism) and serious. So it is hard for me to say I am this way here or that way there. It is more of a multi personality deal with me.

Not far. If Congress decided to pass it, none of them would be able to show up for work the next day.

Haha exactly!
1,361 posts

I use a lot of emoticons on the internet... obviously I don't do that in real life! =D

I also use a lot of exclamation marks... don't worry guys, I don't shout every word in real life! I just do it to enhance the positiveness of the text so it reflects my thoughts more accurately! =)

3,766 posts

Wow. 14 posts after about half a day. Thanks guys!

Anyway, to answer my own questions:

I am pretty much the same. I try to be less of a ***** online then I am in really life. Don't get me wrong, in real life I am a nice guy too. I just sometimes am in a foul mood.

I can stand people not spelling things correctly or being slightly annoying to me. What I cannot stand is when I ask someone a question, I know they have seen the answer, and they don't respond at all. I find that so rude.

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