So umm i dont kmow what to start with. Umm well lets just say that there is lots of stuff that make people be scared of something and not let them sleep at night. Like videos, scary stories, wikipedias. So i dare to ask to all of you who are reading this thread. What are you scared of and what is the thing that wont let you sleep at night?
I'm afraid that spiders will crawl on me and start biting me in my sleep. And Freddy Krueger. And Jigsaw. And I always think that the things from Apollo 18 are gonna crawl on me and go into my body.
i was reading on wikipedia about cold spots (a place where the temperture drops alot and it is said that cold spots might actually be ghosts) when i saw near the info thing about other ghost-related things most creepy ones for me were "haunted houses' and "near-death encounters" that was enough to make me get off wikipedia for awhile. i aslo made the mistake of reading that at night.
Weird, eastren ghost hunters consider warm spots to as a sign of paranormal.
The forums, game comments and profiles flooded with spam... (@.@)
Warned ya, didn't I.
[quote]horror movies
Want to elaborate on this? What movies? Why so? etc[/quote] I am going to assume it's all horror movies, and because they are scary. They are horror movies, after all. They tend to poke the part of your imagination, that will speak directly to every paranoid part of your brain and probably also the part that makes dreams. It doesn't need a lot, just the suggestion that something isn't as it should be, or it could stop being as it should be any time soon. That, when you wake up next time, something big and scary is going to look down on you, just moments before it horribly ends your life, or worse, you can see the arm of your parent or your sibling hanging from its maw, and it leaves, and you know it will be out there waiting for the right time, and you will forever live in fear. Even if it isn't rational at all. Because fear usually isn't.
Anyway, while that is one fine reason I don't watch horror movies at all, they usually do not keep me up all night (because I don't watch them). What does, however, are the little things. Did I remember to pay that bill, I should have started my assignment ages ago, why haven't the postman delivered that one letter I need yet, will I be able to get done in time, do I actually have any friends, or are they just pretending when around me... All the stuff I can't do anything about and should worry about when I should be sleeping.
Anything that will put a disturbing picture in my brain. It can be anything a conversation, a movie, a book, ect. That's what will keep me from falling asleep.
Yep, thinking about slender man too much before bed can make it hard for me to sleep. And too be honest, I find TribeTwelve scarier than MH. Also used to be pretty scared of the aliens in Signs. There'samonsteroutsidemyroom:-; but eh i was like 7
Apparaitions they are supposed to be holy things but based on the catholic church they are actually demons in disguese. some people have reported seeing them.