I dont know if this is or isnt a glitch, but its very hard to comment. Forexample i have this comment below me:
70_70_70 says:
Posted at 11:53pm on 10/28/2012 .
hey dude, if u have time check it out my recommeded games in my bio, u ll luv them, especially pocket creature PvP lah XD XD - TRIPLE 7 THE TACTICIAN - XD
Now i wanted to post an info about my clan. And when i it submit the comment below me doubles, but my comment like doesnt even exsist. I need to update my profile and write up my password (because there's always a blank) and then comment. But writing up your password just to post 1 comment is very stupid. Is this a rogue glitch???
This often happens to me, all i have to do to get my comment to show is refresh the page then submit it again. Try doing that and see if that won't help.
A word of advice though, if you're writing a long comment, then it would be wise to copy it in case it doesn't show the first time.
I think you probably have multiple profiles opened at the same time and try to submit the comment on every profile one after the other... right? This will cause the "Wait 30 seconds before commenting again" feature to become active. If you still proceed within the 30 seconds, the last comment written on that profile will then show up double instead of your comment.
I think you probably have multiple profiles opened at the same time
Nope, i had only 1 profile at the moment. I never keep 2 profiles open cuz my connection gets veery slow.
This often happens to me, all i have to do to get my comment to show is refresh the page then submit it again. Try doing that and see if that won't help.