ForumsThe TavernLet's Create: A Board Game!

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11,891 posts

This'll be a fun creative project. We'll create a board game (that no one will likely ever play) with a flavor of the Armor Games community about it. We'll brainstorm. We'll plan. We'll test and retest. Once we're done, no one will ever play it again. Then we can get started with taking over the world.

I've created a several board games (one really big ones, three medium-sized, and multiple small ones), mostly roll-and-move type, years ago. The really big one started simple and got a little too big and evolved into pencil-and-paper RPG as I added expansions.... The medium ones were a bit too complex (i.e. I can't remember the rules) and one actually evolved into a board game. The small ones are difficult to remember. Oh yeah, none of the rules or gameplay were ever written down. Suffice it to say, teenaged Gantic was a lot more creative before the internet.

Wait, that wasn't my point.

So, from my limited experience at creating fun, the only guidelines will be that the game should be easy to play and engaging without being overly complex, but that's probably already obvious. Then again, I haven't the mind for creating (simple) strategy board games. So we'll see!

Let's do this!

  • 29 Replies
13,344 posts

Maybe this is just me, but I don't think it should be a dice-based game or anything that revolves mostly around luck. If we're going to be creating a game from the depths of our minds, it should not be a game that limits the player only to rolling a pair of dice and moving a small false idol around without any thought processes or decision-making whatsoever.

3,766 posts

Well does it have to be a board game? Can it be a card game?

4,375 posts

Maybe this is just me, but I don't think it should be a dice-based game or anything that revolves mostly around luck. If we're going to be creating a game from the depths of our minds, it should not be a game that limits the player only to rolling a pair of dice and moving a small false idol around without any thought processes or decision-making whatsoever.

I like this, but I think the board we would need is a bit too large for today...
11,891 posts

Maybe this is just me, but I don't think it should be a dice-based game or anything that revolves mostly around luck. If we're going to be creating a game from the depths of our minds, it should not be a game that limits the player only to rolling a pair of dice and moving a small false idol around without any thought processes or decision-making whatsoever.

They're just easier. It's more difficult to create a dice-less classic.
But this is currently in brainstorming phase. Anything and everything is open. We don't have to limit ourselves to roll-and-move or strategy or something else.

Well does it have to be a board game? Can it be a card game?

Board > Card > Dice > Tile. So yes, if only for the fact that the original post I wrote up on June 7, 2011 included this list of five game types that I narrowed down to one:
- Abstract strategy (board) game
- Roll-and-move (board) game
- Card game
- Dice game
- Tile game
I felt the scope was too broad for these forums to have five simultaneous game-creating projects, so we'll move down the list. Too broad of a scope is never good. With projects we (identify the problem,) set a goal, determine the objectives, create a timeline and allocate responsibility, and I forget the rest that I should really know off the top of my head but aren't important right now because there's no deadline, but maybe we should have one!

Goal: To create an AG-ish board game.
Objectives: That's what we're determining right now.

So the current question is what do we want to do with this board game?
13,344 posts

They're just easier. It's more difficult to create a dice-less classic.

Who says this is going to be easy? Anyone can create a dice-based game that doesn't require the player to do anything. There's really no challenge involved in creating the game and the player isn't challenged while playing the game. Where's the fun in any of it?

If you do decide to create a luck-based game though, I do have but one idea. You could make some sort of AG Game of Life and fill all the tiles with events and occurrences that have happened in AG's past. I personally can't stand the Game of Life but I would definitely play an AG version of it.
3,766 posts

AG Life? Interesting. Though Life uses a wheel which is not much different from a die.

13,344 posts

Though Life uses a wheel which is not much different from a die.

Which is why I despise the Game of Life. I'm saying that, if a board game were to be made that was based entirely on luck, it might as well be AG-related in some way so that AG users would have more fun creating it for other AG users who will enjoy playing it. I don't care for that style of game, but I would play it for the sake of playing something AG-related.
377 posts

Who says this is going to be easy? Anyone can create a dice-based game that doesn't require the player to do anything. There's really no challenge involved in creating the game and the player isn't challenged while playing the game. Where's the fun in any of it?

Is there even a such thing is a luckless board game Ernie? Sure it isn't fun when there is no challenge, but regardless there isn't really any such board game except for perhaps trivial pursuit and the like, and even then its not like we would be creating a board game if we just made it the same as trivial pursuit, we would just be copying trivial pursuit.
11,891 posts

Let's be honest: You guys would make terrible engineers. You guys are too fixated on what's been given. The idea isn't anything right now and it won't be anything later if you won't move past everything.

Just throw ideas out there. We'll figure out the details later.
Ideas now. Criticism later.

Is there even a such thing is a luckless board game Ernie? Sure it isn't fun when there is no challenge, but regardless there isn't really any such board game except for perhaps trivial pursuit and the like, and even then its not like we would be creating a board game if we just made it the same as trivial pursuit, we would just be copying trivial pursuit.

Board games that do not have an element of luck include chess, checkers, go, gomoku, reversi, mancala, etc. Nowhere in there is there a place for luck to be involved. Players win by skill and skill alone. There are no lucky moves. You either take or fail to take advantage of the situation.
4,170 posts

I've always enjoyed long, simple RPG's. Perhaps an AG setting for an RPG, where each character has almost unlimited choice in what they want as long as it's realistic, and they have to work together to overcome obstacles put on them by some time of, say, moderator of the game.

3,371 posts

Maybe everyone could start as a serf and they need to make their way up to king?
Also there could be various references to characters from AG games.
What about even choosing you own character from one popular in AG games? Characters like the elephant, chuck the sheep, ect...
Or you could have your armatar be your character.
There could be different zones relating to either AG games or subforums.
Um... Dice.

How exactly would people play this game?

377 posts

Let's be honest: You guys would make terrible engineers.

Thank lord I don't want to be an engineer

We could perhaps make some sort of monetary system in the game, like in monopoly? So if we end up gaining or losing stuff in this game it could be at a fee.
3,550 posts

easy to play and engaging without being overly complex

Oh man, I was about to start fabricating ideas for a D&D like game with an Armor Games theme.

Anyways, before I start to give my self a headache with the overly complicated technicalities of an RPG board game, I'll try think of something simple and fun.

I'll be sure to report back if I think of anything remotely interesting.
11,891 posts

So far:

- not a roll-and-move
- cards?
- AG-style The Game of Life (not Conway's Game of Life.)
- ranking up from serf to king
- characters from AG games
- armatar characters
- zones relating to forums
- dice
- monetary game like Monopoly

I'll add:
- swords and shields, maybe like the Tafl family of games
- seasons/elements of armatars like relating to the Armatar contests

We'll give this a week, so ideas now until Saturday, Nov 10th and then we'll work out the pros and cons of the ideas after.

177 posts

Uhm. What about various gods to worship? Even completely imaginary gods, not necessarily real ones. Each one would give you a different bonus and occasionally send an angel or something to help you.

I'l elaborate this idea later with more gods. And then I will get onto actual gameplay.

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