Recently, I've been doing research for a paper (topic not important to this conversation) and I came across this in one of my sources.
91. See ALA. CODE §§ 16-28B-1 to -9 (2010); ALASKA STAT. 14 §§ 33.200 to .250 (2010); ARIZ. REV. STAT. ANN. § 15-341(37) (2010); ARK. CODE ANN. § 6-18-514 (2010); CAL. EDUC. CODE §§ 32260, 48900.4 (West 2010); COLO. REV. STAT. § 22-32-109.1 (2010); CONN. GEN. STAT. § lO-222d (2010); DEL. CODE ANN. tit. 14, § 4112D (2010); FLA. STAT. § 1006.147 (2010); GA. CODE ANN. § 20-2-751.4 (2010); HAW. SB. No. 2094 (2010); IDAHO CODE ANN. § 18-917A (2010); 105 I I I . COMP. STAT. § 5/27-23.7 (2010); IND. CODE §§ 20-33-8-0.2,20-33-8-13.5 (2010); IOWA CODE § 280.28 (2010); KAN. STAT. ANN. § 72-8256 (2010); KY. REV. STAT. ANN. § 525.080(l)(C) (West 2010); LA. REV. STAT. ANN. § 17:416.13 (2010); ME. REV. STAT. tit. 20A, § 1001(15)(H) (2010); MD. CODE ANN. EDUC. §§ 7-424 to -424.3 (West 2010); MASS. GEN. LAWS ch. 71, § 370 (2010); MICH. COMP. LAWS § 380.1310b (2010); MINN. STAT. § 121A.0695 (2010); Miss. CODE ANN. §§ 37-11-67 to -69 (2010); MO. REV. STAT. § 160.775 (2010); NEB. REV. STAT. § 79-267 (2010); NEV. REV. STAT. § 388.135 (2010); N.H. REV. STAT. ANN. §§ 193-F:2 to -F:10 (2010); N.J. STAT. ANN. §§ 18A:37-15 to -21 (West 2010); 2010 N.J. Sess. Law. Ser\\'. ch. 122 (West); N.M. ADMIN. CODE § 6.12.7 (2010); N.Y. EDUCATION LAW §§ 10, 2801 (McKinney 2010); N.C. GEN. STAT. §§ 115C-407.15 to 407.18 (2010); N.D. CENT. CODE § 15.1-19-17 to -22 (2011); OHIO REV. CODE ANN. §§ 3313.666 to .667 (West 2010); OKLA. ST. tit. 70, § 24-100.4 (2010); OR. REV. STAT. § 339.356 (2010); 24 PA. CONS. STAT. § 13- 1303.1-A (2010); R.I. GEN. LAWS § 16-21-34 (2010); S.C. CODE ANN. § 59-63-140 (2010); TENN. CODE ANN. §§49-6-1014 to -19 (2010); TEX. EDUC. CODE ANN. §§ 25.0342, 37.001 (West 2010); UTAH CODE ANN. §§ 53A-lla-101 to -401 (West 2010); VT. STAT. ANN. tit. 16, §§ 11, 565 (2010); VA. CODE ANN. § 22.1-279.6 (2010); WASH. REV. CODE § 28A.300.285 (2010); W. VA. CODE ANN. §§ 18-2C-1 to -5 (2010); Wis. STAT. § 118.46 (2010); WYO. STAT. ANN. §§ 21-4-311 to -314 (2010). See also supra note 5 (giving an over\\'iew of which states have anti-bullying laws, which states have included cyberbullying, electronic harassment, criminal sanctions, or school sanctions in their laws, and which states require additional school policies)"
From the context in which it was used and the singular indentation and "91:" as far as I can tell, this is a SINGLE citation. At first I simply thought it was a jumble of them, but after looking it over it's not. I can't even imagine citing this and I've never seen anything even half this length before.
What ridiculous things have you come across? From wacky, to weird, to insane, from funny and pathetic alike, I think it would be fun to share some of these things.
I think that all 50 of the United States are mentioned in your citation, Kasic, and that it is something to do with the law being different in all 50 of them, I have better things to do than check. It's like the terms and conditions I agreed to when I signed up to Google, a really, really difficult read, and, sadly, some of the posts in this community.