I've won Give Up twice in the last day or so, not dying on levels 1-10 many times, hitting "Give Up" a few times. No Quests awarded.
Strange, all I can say is that I completed that quest without any problems.
I'm having problems with "Full of Premium Wool" or at I wish someone would tell me how you achieve it.
This probably won't happen, but I wish there was still AP and that quests gave them out. I fell it would give one a stronger reason to complete the quests, especially the more difficult ones.
Here's my wish list for quests:-Corresponding color backgrounds:
- Quest completed for game/total quests per game
If you take a break from the site or a game for an extended period, this would help users remember which games they have some quests left to finish.
- Quests on profile sort by: date completed, game, difficulty, etc.
- Some way to compare quests with other users (like the feature for comparing achievements with other users on Xbox).
This would probably be too time consuming to implement, among other difficulties.
- Points for completing quests.
I doubt this will happen, because AP has just be done away with, but it would give users further incentive to complete more difficult quests. (Kongregate and Xbox achievements award points too. o.0)
- Sorting features on the quest page.
The quests pretty great just the way they are now, and I assume most of these ideas have been considered already, but just on the off chance someone hasn't considered one of these or finds it to be a useful idea.