Just wanted to jump in here and mention there are a few things we're looking at doing with Quests, but Quest sorting is definitely in the cards. More information as I get it.
I was wondering if there will be a way to know when you have completed all the quest for a particular game. Something like this:
The system in the blue box would add an additional square next to the game that tells you what percent of the quests you have complete for that game.
The system in green box would be coded by the darkness of the color in the quest square. White no quests completed for that game, light shade of blue one or more (but not all) quests completed for that game. Dark shade of blue all quests completed for that game.
If there was also a quest category this would be especially helpful for quickly seeing which games you have completed all quests for.
[Note: Button X20 does not have quest, I photoshopped that to illustrate the system I am asking about.]
I like the system in the blue box better. Besides, the number of quests would be hard to read in dark blue, but perhaps different colors could be implemented for the system in the green box.
As for the quest category, I don't think there are enough games for that to be implemented yet, but it would be a good idea in the future. But for now, quests would be better as a tag if tags are implemented.
I think there will be a way to see which Quests you still need to complete and which are fully completed, but we need to wait untill the next phase of development is released. The feedback looks great though! Keep it up! =)
The first Quest for Insectonator: Zombie Mode seems to be bugged... it already launches after completing 2 of the 3 needed levels. Detail, but meh... =)
I think it would be a great advancement if when you were on a game with quest you could scroll over them and read the requirements, its kinda annoying to have to go to a different page to see quest requirements. This may have been gone over but I thought I might as well cover it.
In the description of quests some games have direct link and some do not have.
Games that have a direct link are:
Dawn of the Dragons Decision 2 The Last Stand: Dead Zone Castaway 2 House of Wolves Incursion 2: The Artifact Jacksmith Burrito Bison Revenge Tower of Doom Insectonator: Zombie Mode This is the Only Level 4 Cursed Treasure 2 Gemcraft Labyrinth Demons vs Fairyland Hands of War 3 Railbot
These games do not have a direct link:
Strike Force Heroes 2 Epic Combo Redux Epic Battle Fantasy 4 Infectonator 2 Kingdom Rush Sinjid Treadmillasaurus Rex Coinbox Hero Give Up Sushi Cat 2: The Great Purrade Catapult Madness Chuck the Sheep Upgrade Complete 2 This is the Only Level 3 Help the Hero! Sequester K.O.L.M. Monster Bark
Yes, that's true. That's because early threads have it and later quests don't. Since we don't have an edit option, I've just let the old ones go. Is it a big issue do you think?
No, because everything else takes you directly to the game, for example on Quests page each quest takes you directly to the game. And as you're told it's been before,and now all new quests have direct link to the game.
If you are wondering how much quests did players earned so far or for which game they won the most,and how often Armor Games cheer us with new quests and much more,then you should look at this. Some interesting statistics and graphs
All data was collected and processed on June 25 2013.
Players have won the most quests for Kingdom Rush. In total 1,909,670 Total earned so far 8,237,046 Soon it will be 10 million, wow
The games are sorted by release date
The number of quest gradually increasing by release date
My favorite The frequency of quests released by month (QSI)
It's true we've had a lull period as you can tell, mostly due to issues with making sure Dead Zone Quests worked perfectly. Which they do now! I hear we may be getting more Quests for launch end of this week!