Now, I really dislike MMOs. It is really the kind of game I think should not happen at all for a flash game. Doesn't make sense in any ways and there is already so many of this kind of games flooding sites like Facebook and whatever... But even then, there is still sometimes gems in genres I loathe which make them worthwhile to play. And of course you can't know that without trying them.
So that new Pirate MMO look interesting to me. That's a theme (space exploration and combat etc) which I like. So I thought, I guess I'll give it a try to see if it's any good.
Now, here's the problem: please explain to me how I'm supposed to stop thinking that MMOs are crap if they don't even start or launch if I want to try them?
When I click on the icon to start the game, I'm brought back to the exact same page I was before.
Funny, when I try to play it I get a website restore error. this also happens with dino storm. maybe the creators of these games should look in to MAKING THEM PLAYABLE!
Funny, when I try to play it I get a website restore error. this also happens with dino storm. maybe the creators of these games should look in to MAKING THEM PLAYABLE!
lol... It's not the creators... Its just a glitch you encounter when you play MMOs on AG. Been happening for a while... But not to me though lol :P
It works fine for me. According to the Pirate game you are talking about you need to have Java. Maybe you just haven't downloaded it yet? If that doesn't work check to see if your browser is up to date or just try a different browser.
Saying I need another browser is like a slap on the face.
My browser is just as up to date as it will ever be able to be even though it's not supported anymore.
And, more to the point: it doesn't help much with the fact that the site send me back to the very same link I was at when I clicked on the "lay now" button!
Easy there EagleOfFire2... other users are only trying to help you, something they are not required to, but want to do out of their kindness and willingness.
The problem you're having seems to be one where the page HTML is flawd and redirects you to the same page again, something that can happen. I will notify an admin about it and he can have a look and maybe easily solve the problem for you, ok? =)
Thank you for the reply MrDayCee. At last some useful help.
Not that I don't like people who try to help... But I do prefer people who know what they are talking about.
FYI, to try to pinpoint the problem more easily, I just tried to load other random MMOs and clicked on the play button. None worked for me so the problem seem to be general to all of them.
So your problem is that none of the MMOs load for you, correct? What -exactly- happens? Walk us through the process if you don't mind. Maybe take a screenshot(s) if you think that would be easier.
There is nothing to screenshot. Everything work fine. When I click on the game icon it bring me to the MMO page alright... But when I click on the "lay" button, the page simply refresh.
It's just like if the site was simply forwarding me to the same link over and over again.
To elaborate a little... when you click the 'lay now' button, is the page refreshing with a black/blank screen at the top? Because this would suggest that you attempt to play the MMO, but it can't load for you and this also reverses things back to the part where you might have server connection problems.
This is the link I'm sent to everytime I click on "Play Now" : Linky
There is nothing which indicate something is trying to load. I'm simply resent to the same page over and over again. And It is not a simple refresh because I can clearly see in my progress bar at the bottom of my browser that my browser is communicating with AG site and is simply sent there again.
For Pirates, there is a message box that pops up asking for permission to do things once you click the button to play it. If you don't accept it/have your security settings to block all such messages, you can't play it.
But, um, the link takes me right to the proper page and everything loads fine. I know it may sounds like a stupid thing to ask, but have you tried playing such games in any other browser?