Simply be active on ArmorGames by writing constructive game reviews, profile comments and forum posts that are on topic and not within -yet far from being close to- the spam regions and you'll gain your AP. =)
You just have to keep active alot but i cant say much because once i spent about 3 hours just commenting and rating games but i prefer to do a few games a day and post forum stuff :-)
I like to just play games, rate them, and leave a comment about the rating I gave it. Sometimes, I post on the forums. If you leave a good comment, there's a chance a mod will stumble upon it and give you a merit, worth 5AP
Everyone except the people who know that AP are completely worthless, contain no real value, and do absolutely nothing except cause problems. Or most mature/veteran users.
Yeah AP is pretty much worthless, but that's good, because... it's not that important. No one needs (or more likely wants) to farm. But you can still get some nice avatars.
If you leave a good comment, there's a chance a mod will stumble upon it and give you a merit, worth 5AP
Or you can use SIPPYCUps. There you can post your game review and let Gantic critique it. If he approves you'll get your merit. Read the OP for more information.