Lambo Wins 9-7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next battle is between two of the worlds largest logistics companies...
Squares off against
United Parcel Service
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ends in five days!
See..I'm going with DHL for the sole fact of the UPS comes at the worst times, and instead of letting us work out a time for him to come so that I can actually get the ****ed package..he just keeps coming at the worst times until I have to go pick up the package in person.
UPS always just leaves the package at the door for me.
even worse.... if the package is stolen then they should come with a comparison. i bet they dont do that. if they did they wouldn't leave it behind. xD
i go for DHL. both are very small in my country. but DHL actually sees us as a market. unlike UPS who are just here because some of their mail is send here.