I don't even know who delivers stuff when I order it my mum tends to get the whatever I have got ordered first so I don't tend to see what company has delivered it. and I just take whatever delivery is free which just tends to say 3-5 days not who is delivering it but I couldn't care less as long as it works and gets to me within a decent amount of time.
*Ahem* My apologies for that gross error earlier... I haven't hot linked in months, but the first time I do... Ugg...
Anyway! Back to where we started... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is this? A tie? UPS-4 Vs. DHL-4? I'm declaring a draw on this one. Thanks for voting! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Next battle is most kindly sponsored by our dear friend R2. (He also brought those smoothies by the door. Be sure and grab one.)
And now, presenting Battle of the Brands by R2:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ends in five days! Get to votin'!