In my opinion The Time of the Doctor was a fail, it was bad writing, bad plotline, and it didn't stream together very well.
Clara got dropped off, clara found a way back! doctor mad, doctor kick clara out! clara comes back again. etc.
And then all the time he was in the TARDIS as 11th didn't age him, but now just like 30 years at this place makes him super old looking.
And then all the super awesome villains didn't really even have a part in the storyline. The REAL Daleks would've killed him as soon as he beamed up to the ship, they wouldn't have waited for whats her name to turn into a dalek-human and then walk in and kill him.
Plus, everything seemed too easy! All he had to do was say to the wooden cyberman: "I just reversed your gun polarity (or something like that)", and then the cyberman totally forgets that his sonic doesn't even work on wood, and shoots himself.
And then when he regenerates, he sees the first face he saw... Umm, how come that didn't happen with 10th or 9th? Then when he regenerates his head just flashes back and he's got a new face. Wut? Give us something good! "Oh... new kidneys!"... Totally stole that from 10th when he said "Oh.. new teeth!".
Plus, did they really have to say every 30 seconds that they're naked? just shut up with that already!
Also, all that time of dalek & cybermen being on the planet and they never just shot him? isn't that like their life dream?
Welp, thats The Time of the Doctor in a nutshell for ya.
(Please don't take this wrong, i love doctor who but I think they really couldve done better with 11th's regeneration episode!)