So, I started to doodle in my math notebook in class. They actually came out pretty cool. I decided to share them with you because I just did. Here, have a robot thing.
And this one is pretty cool in my opinion. its all slimy and stuff.
Yes, thats my math work. It shows my dedication, doesnt it?
Another possible armatar. Oh well, might as well submit it.
GoH and 70x3 It might be a while before I get your emblems up. Im sorry, its just that mid-terms are coming along n stuff. Ill try and get them up by the end of this week, but dont hold me to my word if I dont. But Ill will do my best to make them worth the wait.
@GhostOfHorror: sr to make u confused but I post the link to the contest to inform ALL the guys here, not just PP lah :-P @PP: np man, just focus into the AG contest 1st lah, and I can understand about the pressure of examination lah XD
@pickpocket: lol nice new pics man, but do u make the Santa Claus faceless on purpose? @GOH: i also agree with PP that calling u, or rather writing ur name as "GOH" is so much faster than "GhostOfHorror" , so hope u dun mind if we ll call u GOH lah X3
@GOH: hmm, when i checked the dict it said "slender means very narrow" but how can "very narrow" relate to "faceless"? or pick means sth else when he said "slender"?
btw here r some more pics which was drawn by Paint X3
Please stop socializing on my thread. Thank you for clarifying GOH. 70, I ask you don't post your art here. Not being rude, but this is a collection of my art. If you want to post your art, please make your own.