For those who've never heard of this (you must live under a rock) it's a small basic Linux based computer that cost about $35. I wish I had kept my electronic kits from Radio Shack...
Here are some interesting use for it.
It's meant as a teaching implement for children, and to engage them on computer science. Raspberry Pi is not meant as a replacement for our main computers, so no it doesn't ''suck'', it's a milestone. And it can be programmed to do sweet neat tasks.
I'm really fascinated by this though (link previously posted) Raspberry Pi Laptop with Atrix 4G Dock I think it was a great concept. I wonder why it didn't work with the original idea.
Sure it might seem cool, but how long will it last? Is there a warranty? It seems like a joke gift almost.... Well, who am I to judge. I have a Windows 7, and its not broken so why should i complain. It might be good,though, if my computer broke. Well, you know until I can purchase a good one.
Because back then, having such power would entail a computer half the size of your room!
Yup, power equaled big and expensive back theni xD I just miss that time when I used to go to Radio Shack and bought diodes, LEDs, resistors, PCB boards, threw them in my backpack and rode my bike to my bro so we could make alarms, radios, amplifiers and other fun electronic things (big time nostalgic with a lump in my throat). If I were the same age now and I had a Raspberry Pi I think I would go nuts. xD
Come on people, my thread is going in the toilet! Does anyone own one (not a toilet, a Raspberry Pi)? What have you done with it? I'd like to know. I might buy one eventually.