ForumsForum GamesOld Saeron

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698 posts

Old Saeron. If you lived in Old Saeron you were on top of the world. You had anything you could ever want or dream of. Sure like any other place it had its bad spots. But Old Saeron made them beautiful. They used to say that it was the capitol of Passion. On the crossways of Endeavor and Beauty.
Then The War happened. In the beginning they called it The Great War. But after the metallic march, the infection, and the blaze it became known as the final war. A few days before the war Old Saeron locked up tight. As if over night The Wall grew. It encapsulated the whole city and reach as high as you could imagine. In a way it was beautiful and exciting. But after the war started no one had time to think about it. There were rumors of it being a haven to those running from the war. They were never proven. But you could hope, that one night you'd be tapped on the shoulder, told you were chosen and could escape to what some began to call heaven.
The war is over now and the world, or at least whats left of it, is at peace. Not to say there isn't strife but with only the smallest percent of humanity left you can't real have wars.
You exist in this world. You were born shortly after everything settled down. Growing up you learned how to survive in this new and horrible world. After The March, you have to watch your back because any automaton could be an altered one, one with no first law. After The Infection when your family dies you don't spend time with anything fancy because you don't want to have to see them turn.
There are rumors those of amazing things in Old Saeron. Technology fresh off the block. Exciting advances and at least better food. Now only if you can find a way in.
Character Sheet for RPG
You have 15 points to spend between these two stats.
Physique: Your mind in all aspects. Intelligence Instinct Willpower Perception Charisma
Psyche: Your body in all aspects. Strength Stamina Agility Endurance Dexterity.
Personality: 5 traits
Appearance: What you look like beside clothes.
Weapon: One simple gun and one simple melee.
Armor/Clothing: Either Heavy, Medium, Light
Equipment: Special items such as headsets, night vision goggles, etc.
Inventory: 10 items
Bio: A few sentences describing how you grew up and your strengths, weakness, and special traits.
Psioinic Skills: Similar to spells but for a scifi setting. Need castor device.
Health: 100%
Hunger: 100%
Thirst: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Sleep: 100%

Character Sheet for RP
Personality: 5 traits
Appearance: What you look like beside clothes.
Weapon: One simple gun and one simple melee.
Armor/Clothing: Either Heavy, Medium, Light
Equipment: Special items such as headsets, night vision goggles, etc.
Inventory: 10 items
Bio: Quite a few sentences describing how you grew up and your strengths, weakness, and special traits. More in depth than RPG Bio.
Psionic Skills: Similar to spells but for a scifi setting. Need castor device.
Well Being: 100%
Scavenger: You are the best at finding things. If there is something to be found you will find it.
Soldier: You are the best on the battle field. If anyone can win the fight its you.
Recon: You are the best at locating and obtaining items. Once you know where it is its only a matter of time before its yours.
Engineer: You are the best with technology. If its broke, with you around, it won't be for long.
Medic: You are the best at healing. When an ally is down, they know they won't be down for long with you around.
Leader: You are the best at maintaining people. Whether it morale needs built up or a decision need to be made its in your hand and within your power to do it.
Mentalist: You are the best at manipulation. When it comes to control, the lead always leads back to you.
Sniper: You are the best off the battlefield. With your support the battle is yours.
Adept: You are the best with psionics. You know exactly what to do and how to do it when it comes to using a caster.
Once five people have joined for either the RPG or the RP I will start them. This doesn't mean others can't join your group or you won't meet other people. If you start after the beginning just say whose group you want to join and I will introduce you into their story line.
Final note: I'm am still new to the Forum Game community so bear with me. I learn quick and any support will help me.

  • 32 Replies
213 posts

Name:Jacobi von Haven
Personality: Charismatic, Intelligent, Calm, Slow to Anger, Quick-Thinking
Appearance: 6'0'', Hazel eyes with flecks of gold in them, tan, skinny
Weapon: Antique Smith & West .50 cal Revolver, Ancient Cinqueda
Armor/Clothing: Medium
Equipment:Smart-Tech Binoculars
Inventory: Hunting knife, String, Lighter, Flashlight, Sunglasses, Gasmask, .50 Ammo, Hunk of wood(slightly whittled), Personality CPU, Canteen(full)
Bio: Jacobi was born to a previously wealthy family until the Great War, in which the family lost everything except the family heirlooms,(Smith & West, Cinqueda) his family died, leaving Jacobi cold, and distant, which causes some connection issues. As a result, Jacobi travels alone, with only his family's robot butler's Personality CPU to keep him company.
Psionic Skills: Night Vision
Well Being: 100%
Jacobi is a Mentalist
(I think you confused Physique and Psyche, they should be switched)

698 posts

Your right I did lol

Physique: Your mind in all aspects. Intelligence Instinct Willpower Perception Charisma
Psyche: Your body in all aspects. Strength Stamina Agility Endurance Dexterity.

Consider these switched.
698 posts

Name:Jacobi von Haven
Personality: Charismatic, Intelligent, Calm, Slow to Anger, Quick-Thinking
Appearance: 6'0'', Hazel eyes with flecks of gold in them, tan, skinny
Weapon: Antique Smith & West .50 cal Revolver, Ancient Cinquedea
Armor/Clothing: Medium
Equipment: Caster Specs
Inventory: Hunting knife, String, Lighter, Flashlight, Sunglasses, Gasmask, .50 Ammo, Hunk of wood(slightly whittled), Personality CPU, Canteen(full)
Bio: Jacobi was born to a previously wealthy family until the Great War, in which the family lost everything except the family heirlooms,(Smith & West, Cinqueda) his family died, leaving Jacobi cold, and distant, which causes some connection issues. As a result, Jacobi travels alone, with only his family's robot butler's Personality CPU to keep him company.
Psionic Skills: Night Vision
Well Being: 100%
Jacobi is a Mentalist If your playing as an RP instead of an RPG you don't have a class.

698 posts

Make sure to get others to play else I can't continue. The story line revolves around multiple people. Also this (^^^^^) is a good example. The only changes I would make( don't worry Jacobi about changing it its fine) A longer bio and also a way to describe your "class" ,or the job and skills you have, in your bio.

698 posts

I will be posting info, updates, changes, and other information on My Profile Check it to see info about this game that isn't on the thread.

698 posts

Name:Jacobi von Haven
Personality: Charismatic, Intelligent, Calm, Slow to Anger, Quick-Thinking
Appearance: 6'0'', Hazel eyes with flecks of gold in them, tan, skinny
Weapon: Antique Smith & West .50 cal Revolver, Ancient Cinquedea
Armor/Clothing: Medium
Equipment: Caster Specs(40/40)
Inventory: Hunting knife, String, Lighter, Flashlight, Sunglasses, Gasmask, .50 Ammo, Hunk of wood(slightly whittled), Personality CPU, Canteen(full)
Bio: Jacobi was born to a previously wealthy family until the Great War, in which the family lost everything except the family heirlooms,(Smith & West, Cinqueda) his family died, leaving Jacobi cold, and distant, which causes some connection issues. As a result, Jacobi travels alone, with only his family's robot butler's Personality CPU to keep him company.
Psionic Skills: Night Vision
Well Being: 100%
I'm just going to start it.

You are now in what used to be Talipore City. Talipore City is just north of Old Saeron. You are currently roaming through the derelict city avoiding the zombie hordes. As you circle around a building you see a squad of 3 robots. They appear to be modified and dangerous. But the resources you could glean from them might make it worth it.

What will you do?

564 posts

Name: Minamoto Alcantara
Class: Recon
Physique: 8
Psyche: 7
Personality: 5 traits
Appearance: Black Spiky hair, brown eyes; Latino, 5'7", Strong build
Weapon: Laser Rifle, Broadsword
Armor/Clothing: Medium
Equipment: Electronic Gloves, Scouter
Inventory: 10 items
Psionic Skills: Technopathy
Health: 100%
Hunger: 100%
Thirst: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Sleep: 100%

698 posts

Character Sheet for RP
Name: Kenji
Personality: Distrusting, but fiercely loyal if he trusts you. Overall antisocial and distant, but fiercely loyal if he trusts you. As of now, there is no one.
Appearance: Caucasian. Muscular, but thin. Shaggy blonde hair, clean shaven, deep blue eyes.
Weapon: G17 pistol, 10 rnd (Silenced), Katana (Black blade to keep from reflecting light)
Armor/Clothing: Light
Equipment: Caster Specs (40/40)
Inventory: 10 items
Bio: Kenji? He had a mother and father. Maybe even a wife, or at least a crush. But none of it comes to mind. He has no family or alliances now. This is a journey home for him. To find his past...and his future.
Psionic Skills: Night vision Science fiction version of spells.
Well Being: 100%
Stalking through the city is almost a hobby for you. You are in Talipore City, where no one lives permanently. As you are walking you walk around a corner and at the last moment realize your not alone. In front of you not more then 60 feet away is a squad of 3 robots. Thankfully they are faced away from you.

What will you do?

698 posts

Name: Minamoto Alcantara
Class: Recon
Physique: 8
Psyche: 7
Personality: 5 traits
Appearance: Black Spiky hair, brown eyes; Latino, 5'7", Strong build
Weapon: Laser Rifle, Broadsword to powerful can you down grade?
Armor/Clothing: Medium
Equipment: Electronic Gloves (50/50), Scouter
Inventory: Pick ten items
Bio: Ahem?
Psionic Skills: Technopathy
Health: 100%
Hunger: 100%
Thirst: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Sleep: 100%
Sargeanon. That's where you are. Or at least what the sign said. You have been going through Sargeanon, which is east of Old Saeron, in search of a device called, "S.E.N.T.I.N.E.L." You were given this task in secret with no info of the other person. All you know is its in an high tech research facility somewhere in Srgeanon. After that you were to meet up with him again in 2 weeks time.

Currently you have managed to stumble upon a small horde of zombies. They see weak and shuffling but also not worth your time. They could also attract unwanted attention.

What will you do?

698 posts

Name: Kenji
Personality: Distrusting, but fiercely loyal if he trusts you. Overall antisocial and distant, but fiercely loyal if he trusts you. As of now, there is no one.
Appearance: Caucasian. Muscular, but thin. Shaggy blonde hair, clean shaven, deep blue eyes.
Weapon: G17 pistol, 10 rnd (Silenced), Katana (Black blade to keep from reflecting light)
Armor/Clothing: Light
Equipment: Caster Specs (40/40)
Inventory: 10 items
Bio: Kenji? He had a mother and father. Maybe even a wife, or at least a crush. But none of it comes to mind. He has no family or alliances now. This is a journey home for him. To find his past...and his future.
Psionic Skills: Night vision
Well Being: 100%

(Do I actually have 10 items in Inventory or is it a limit? Also, what are Castor Specs?)

You pick ten simple items to start with.

Castor spec are a device in place of night vision goggles. You have to spend the psi, which is indicated by (40/40), to use your psionic skill night vision. The amount you spend increases the power and duration of the night vision. Check out my updates on my page and ask question on here or there.

I watch them and analyse their armor. Either way I prefer to avoid confrontation. But I don't know where to go.

(These robots...Are we talking Gundam Wing, Mech suit, Star Wars droid or WALL-E? Can I just cut them in half or do I need a big laser or EMP device?)

I robot. Humanoid robots with the natural armor of there metal "skin" They are more agile and stronger than humans but not to an extreme scale. An emp would be perfect, Any gun with enough shots works splendidly, and a giant *** sword word do great.
698 posts

@ MattEmAngel
Give me till tomorrow I will have somewhere for you to go but I'm not mentally with it right now to do that good quality of anything.

564 posts

Name: Minamoto Alcantara
Class: Recon
Physique: 8
Psyche: 7
Personality: Cool-headed, Mysterious, Intelligent, Serious, Calm
Appearance: Black Spiky hair, brown eyes; Latino, 5'7", Strong build
Weapon: Sniper Rifle, Longsword
Armor/Clothing: Medium
Equipment: Electronic Gloves (50/50), Scouter
Inventory: Family picture, Laptop, Laptop battery, mouse, hat, 2 PB sandwiches, water bottle, scarf, Arm sleeve.
Bio: He was a happy child. Everything he needed was there. Until The War and The Infection broke out. His family got Infected... except him. His family died in this order: Father, mother, brother, and sister. This is one of his weaknesses but however, he had a good skill when he was a child. He was considered perfect, and that remains until today.
Psionic Skills: Technopathy
Health: 100%
Hunger: 100%
Thirst: 100%
Sanity: 100%
Sleep: 100%
Sargeanon. That's where you are. Or at least what the sign said. You have been going through Sargeanon, which is east of Old Saeron, in search of a device called, "S.E.N.T.I.N.E.L." You were given this task in secret with no info of the other person. All you know is its in a high tech research facility somewhere in Sargeanon. After that you were to meet up with him again in 2 weeks time.

Currently you have managed to stumble upon a small horde of zombies. They seem weak and shuffling but also not worth your time. They could also attract unwanted attention.

What will you do?
I try to lose them, and then continue my search.
(BTW, I was currently busy at the time so I didn't get to post completely.)

698 posts

Name: Kenji
Personality: Distrusting, but fiercely loyal if he trusts you. Overall antisocial and distant, but fiercely loyal if he trusts you. As of now, there is no one.
Appearance: Caucasian. Muscular, but thin. Shaggy blonde hair, clean shaven, deep blue eyes.
Weapon: G17 pistol, 10 rnd (Silenced), Katana (Black blade to keep from reflecting light)
Armor/Clothing: Light
Equipment: Caster Specs (40/40)
Inventory: 10 items just a few items check out the list that the first person posted.
Bio: Kenji? He had a mother and father. Maybe even a wife, or at least a crush. But none of it comes to mind. He has no family or alliances now. This is a journey home for him. To find his past...and his future.
Psionic Skills: Night vision
Well Being: 100%
The robots you are facing look something like
The are equipped with an assault rifle each.
In front of you is a line of trees, behind which there is a building. At your 11 o'clock position is the 3 robots in the middle of the road.

You were currently enlisted to locate a person by the name of Jacobi von Haven. He is 6'0'',with Hazel eyes with flecks of gold in them, tan, and skinny.
When you had found him you were to get information from him. You weren't told what information you were looking for but he would know what information people want. You know he is somewhere in your area. You had tracked him in this direction but the robots pose a problem. The track leads you straight ahead.
Name: Minamoto Alcantara
Class: Recon
Physique: 8
Psyche: 7
Personality: Cool-headed, Mysterious, Intelligent, Serious, Calm
Appearance: Black Spiky hair, brown eyes; Latino, 5'7", Strong build
Weapon: Hunting Rifle (20/20), Long sword (dull)
Armor/Clothing: Medium
Equipment: Electronic Gloves (50/50), Scouter
Inventory: Family picture, Laptop, Laptop battery, mouse, hat, 2 PB sandwiches, water bottle, scarf, Arm sleeve.
Bio: He was a happy child. Everything he needed was there. Until The War and The Infection broke out. His family got Infected... except him. His family died in this order: Father, mother, brother, and sister. This is one of his weaknesses but however, he had a good skill when he was a child. He was considered perfect, and that remains until today.
Psionic Skills: Technopathy
Health: 100%
Hunger: 99%
Thirst: 99%
Sanity: 100%
Sleep: 99%
You manage to avoid them with ease. You are currently in the southwest sector of Sargeanon and the building is in the east. Your are at a t in the road. All around you are tall building if they are standing. Otherwise they are massive heaps of ruble. You see a gang of raider about 300 meters up the road to the north. You can't see much but they seem like easy pickings. You are in need of resources such as water and food.

What is a scouter? Can you give me a link where I can read about them?

698 posts

Ug @Matt The pic didn't show I don't have time now but just look up I robot. they look like that just with harder synthetic skin.

698 posts

If this works it is the robot you are facing most of the time.

Showing 1-15 of 32