Kasic...Owww. I try my best with these proofs, I really do. I'm sorry if you don't understand where i'm coming from, but I try. You're just a wee bit rude. Instead of tearing me down with criticism, offer me ways to improve. I DID write "...is there anything I need to tweak?" or something along those lines.
I would dispute that. I think it should be, but its not. School is there to teach people what the government wants people to believe or what society believes to be true. I'm not necessarily talking about the US but about schools all over the world. I'm sure kids are taught about the Korean war very differently in South and North Korea as well as in the US.
True, sorry that slipped past me. Schools are often influenced by government. Anyone here still believe Thanksgiving was all about us living peacefully with the Native Americans?
Darwin mainly proposed the mechanism by which evolution worked. Many of the ideas about it were already proposed or were later thought up.
He was still a very important figure. I got it half-right, okay?
Also, I ironically find that believing someone should be tortured for all eternity for getting some fact wrong is vastly more "wicked" than simply believing we all evolved from some thing 3.5 billion years ago.
Well...yes. I agree with you there.
No, Creationism should not be taught as science. I don't mind if it goes into a theology class, where it belongs.
Right again. Thanks for clarifying.
Have your mother read this :P
She's the one that personally typed it. Then smacked me for defending the "Atheist side" of the argument. (She thinks all people who believe in evolution are athiests.)
It is not blaspheme to accept evolution. It is not blaspheme to think that parts of the bible are inaccurate or metaphorical.
Tell that to a fanatic.
Man wrote the Bible, and man makes mistakes
Yes, Man did write the Bible, and man, as we all know, makes MANY mistakes.
Evolution does not disprove God, and frankly, I don't see the difference between God creating humans immediately or setting things up for them to come about.
Oooh, clever. Sadly, I'm inclined to believe Evolution DOES disprove God. God's portrayed as human, but he floats in the sky and had a child without impregnating a woman? How the HECK does Virgin Birth even work, it's an oxymoron! It's physically impossible to concieve without both ingredients. (Maybe Jesus was a clone???)
God is...what? An alien? A hallucination? What is God? What is his physical form? Does he have a physical form? how does he speak to us? Is God all in our heads? In our heads, yes. Existing in reality-I just can't see it. Try and prove me otherwise.
I accept the following statements:
Evolution is Science and should thus be taught in Science classes.
Creationism is NOT science and should only be taught in Theology, if at all.