... but how will you know if someone is an admin? i kinda want my username to be changed. I made the account some time ago and i didn't know what i was thinkin back then.. is it possible to have it changed by an admin?
Changing usernames was a suggestion for AGv3, AGv3 will be released in parts, so i have no idea when this feature will come (or if they still planning to bring a feature like that)... so i see two ways, eighter wait if this feature will be available... or ask an admin directly, Ferret for example
First of all... there is no such thing as a stupid question! =)
If you want to know who the admins of this website are, have a look here for a list. All of the admins are listed here, but if you are looking to have your name changed, your best bet is indeed to email Ferret (ferret@armorgames.com) explain the situation to him and ask him for a name change.
For your information, this thread will be moved to the support forum as it is better suited there.