Hello everyone. We all know a bunch of great people who left AG... so tell who that person/people are that was so special to you, tell they year they left, their last words, and there most valued words.
I know 2 that were really special to me.
Dragon303, left early 2012,
Last words: "Hey man I kinda quit the manly crew",
Most valued words:"hi r2, i really wanted to thqank you for taking time to stand up for me, and believing me. that's a true friend. even though i haven't met you in real life, you still act like im your real friend, once again, thank you."
greenplanet011, left late 2012,
Last words:"1.I'm not a perv,I'm a lil' bit of a troll 2.Your cousin,the one that fainted xD"
Most valued words: "I shall cross everything I have that can cross be crossed."
And if someone already posted that certain person, don't worry add more Last words and Most valued.
There is one person i will miss that I haven't seen in forever, but not because he was my friend: Afterburner0. We were in the middle of a debate (I was winning) when he up left forever without saying anything. I will also miss Cenere, who helped me start me career on WEPR; 314d1 for making me laugh whenever I agreed with him; highfire for teaching me what it really meant to have intellect, santi_ for being the most creative gamer I've ever came across, and to all of the people I didn't mention, I'll miss them too.
Seeing this thread makes me wonder if anyone will remember me when I leave AG.
I have to run back when people are talking about me :3
Manta, you're forgetting so many important people! Alt? Poison? And what about Ryan? I spoke to him on Skype over Christmas actually, I didn't ask if he still visits AG..
whatever happened to sporemaniac777 he ran the destroy a planet and create a planet series remember those i don't think you guys do but just in 2012 he made a new thread and then suddenly left whatever happened to him