Hello everyone. We all know a bunch of great people who left AG... so tell who that person/people are that was so special to you, tell they year they left, their last words, and there most valued words.
I know 2 that were really special to me.
Dragon303, left early 2012,
Last words: "Hey man I kinda quit the manly crew",
Most valued words:"hi r2, i really wanted to thqank you for taking time to stand up for me, and believing me. that's a true friend. even though i haven't met you in real life, you still act like im your real friend, once again, thank you."
greenplanet011, left late 2012,
Last words:"1.I'm not a perv,I'm a lil' bit of a troll 2.Your cousin,the one that fainted xD"
Most valued words: "I shall cross everything I have that can cross be crossed."
And if someone already posted that certain person, don't worry add more Last words and Most valued.
Mr.Walker28 left ages ago, that was sad. and Moonfairy. I left, kind of? Sort of... I'm in the group of people who leave, come back briefly, leave again. Hi everybody!
Mr.Walker28 left ages ago, that was sad. and Moonfairy. I left, kind of? Sort of... I'm in the group of people who leave, come back briefly, leave again. Hi everybody!
MoonFairy is SunPixie now. She can't get to her old account haha.
Jezz has been busy. She said life got crazy as soon as she came back.
Sal's right, I took time off for Christmas, exams and the like. University is really easy until you get to the part where you actually have to remember stuff! And then it snowed a ton so I thought I might as well check out AG again since I'm snowed in. It's so different now 0___o
Since I came on AG just late 2012, I don't really know a lot of people who left; all of those who left came back. Dragon144 left on Jan 1 this year, and he came back on Jan 1 this year. Daleks left on Dec 31 last year, became back when he knew about the quests.
Flattered my name was mentioned, but you guys should know i always crawl back to AG.
Sorry for the disappearing act, i tend to get too busy for AG about once a year or so. I'm working mega hours at the minute. Will make a point of popping on.