Two 6 year old boys were recently suspended from a school in Maryland for waiving around handguns during recess. This was not the first time children have been suspended for possessing handguns. Earlier in the year, one 6 year old was suspended after firing two shots from a handgun. Luckily, no one was harmed during any of these incidences.
First of all, I would like to know how a couple six year olds got a hold of handguns. Was daddy stoned and they stole the guns out of the gun closet when he was passed out on the floor? Or did the liberal left give the kids the guns so that they could push more garbage legislation? Just curious.
Jordan Bennett was suspended for a day after administrators at Harmony Community School in Harmony, Fla., said the gesture was an act of violence, reported.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, very funny. now there is someone thinking that a "gesture" is "violence". it's pretty obvious that it's an "overkill" on "gestures", if you know what i meant.
first of all, gestures are not violence themselves. they may facilitate violence but are not violence themselves. if a gang member give you a middle finger via-a-vis punch you in the face as a result of you returning the "favor", you can't assume giving someone a middle finger as in the same degree as you punching them. violence is by definition an act when someone attacks someone else, often to get them to do something they do not want to do by making them feel pain or fear. you can't attack someone using your middle finger or your pretend-pistol hand gesture and physically or mentally damage them right?
There's a proposal in Oklahoma to remove penalties from students that aren't actually a threat. It includes a section permitting pastries after this. My Business Law teacher said his kid got in trouble for having a Lego gun (not a constructed "full-size" thing, but like this). When he got called about it, his words to the principal were "You've got to be ****ing kidding me."