Say how you would react if the above avatar popped up in your bedroom all of a sudden while you sleep.plz don't say anything offensive.enjoy
Make sure you were on my side.
"A fuzzy polar bear! Yay!"
Lassie? What up? Someone fallen in a fountain or stuff like that?
Aah dafuq? i think i've had enough cumputer games for today. wait... it's not a game AAAAHHHH i feel pain NOOOOOO *died*
*Get bug spray*
No idea what a sowrd does here... lets see if it could serve as wall-decoration.
*wakes up* ITS A FLAMING SKULL!!!!!!!!!! *Gets water and throws it onto the skull then breaks it*
First shields... now swords... where the hell come they from?
Mohter of god it's flaming skullrandom guy yells "FAKE"
I'd pet you carefully, while pulling out an RPG behind my back.
A mannequin wearing a ninja suit. Someone's playing a creepy, Twilight Zone-esque prank on me.
Did I plant a dead tree in here? Who painted my walls a light blue gradient?
I'd put you in a cage and give it to a newcomer.
A mannequin wearing a ninja suit.
Its slenderman in a ninja suit.
I'd burn the rest of it.
Slenderman is a mannequin.
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