(http://armorgames.com/play/11028/upgrade-complete-2) On wave 17, the game freezes and becomes blank. It seems many people in the comments are also having this problem. You can't continue if you can't get the money from the waves.
You're going to have to delete the save file. The location of it depends on your operating system. You can look it up online where it is for your operating system.
Did this happen after you bought an upgrade? I think it might happen if you buy graphical upgrades, but I don't know that for sure. It happened to me and I had to delete the save file, so I just didn't buy graphical upgrades the next time. Maybe try not upgrading the unnecessary upgrades (graphics, sound, etc.) until you have the money to buy all of the upgrades. That worked for me.
I started the savefile today. (I think I deleted it somehow when I first beat it?) . I don't think it's a specific upgrade, and I'm not willing to risk losing my progress. Did you win before or after AG implemented the new badge system?
Personally, I don't think it has something to do with the upgrades you buy. It happened to me on wave 16, even though I had bought very few visual upgrades. I think it just happens after level 15 or close to, regardless of the upgrades one has. The next time I started under this assumption, so my goal was to buy all the upgrades before reaching wave 15, I did that and I didn't encounter any problems whatsoever. Got all the upgrades and beat the mastermind.
I tried it from another computer which didn't have the save file and made it through to the premium Quest fine. Didn't continue further, but the game performed normally up to that point.
Only upgraded the 'More Upgrades', 'Premium Button' and 'Premium Upgrade' one and of course some ship upgrades as well... =)
I had a similar problem, but I got hit only after the 7th wave. It was after I bought a massive upgrade overhaul. I don't know what caused it but I haven't played the game since.
This is happening to me as well, I don't think it is wave related though, I have tried firefox and chrome and I'm getting a white screen on wave 3-4, it does seem to happen after I buy some graphics upgrades, however the last time this happened to me which was on wave 4, the only two upgrades I had purchased were voice acting and all three game music upgrades, found this hard to believe as I had purchased game music before and not had it happen. Not sure what is going on but I guess I will leave the music and graphics upgrades for later on if I want to do the quests.
I'm not concerned about the quests. The game itself does not work and freezes so that you can't play it. That is a big concern, and something I think the developer should fix.